Royal Ugly Dude

Also, we know I don't know how to make spoiler tags.

I think it was sent by Kristin Chenowith's character, working on behalf of Wednesday. We've seen already that Wednesday wants to keep Laura off the board at all costs. We saw that either Huginn or Muninn is aware of Mad Sweeney and Dead Wife's voyage. The rabbit is a symbol of Kristen Chenowith's character and we know

And a mate not dickish enough to steal it from you at the very end.

Bedford Forrest and Hampton.

How do their jobs get harder? I mean, you'd think their jobs should get harder. But they don't seem to.


Pennsylvania, actually.

We drink a lot of Foster's, too. What I'm saying is we have an apparently bottomless appetite for your mediocre garbage. I fully expect Gina Rinehart to move here soon.

Yeah, anyone stupid enough to buy that Iran is supporting Al Qa'eda's dumb enough to think, well, a lot of the things that are currently underpinning American policy these days.

Are you certain it wasn't Laura Dern? Because I get those two mixed up all the time.

Don't blame me, I voted for Vinz Clortho!

Like being the head of an international drug cartel?

/slaps everyone involved across the nose with a rolled up newspaper

I have no idea how on earth Hy-Vee Chinese food is so delicious, but it a-MAY-zing!

Vertical couches would be weirder. Like something Dali would install at a guest house in Cap d'Antibes.

Why do you have that superfluous apostrophe in your statement?

I could go for some good salsa verde and chips, now that you've talked about Albuquerque. So, thanks for setting up that urge, I guess.

Did I forget to mention, forget to mention Memphis? Home of Elvis and the…
ancient Greeks.

OK, yeah, that sounds about right. I thought maybe this dude played one of Christopher's dimwit friends.

Oh, and now I remember Mandy Moore as the villain in Saved, which was I guess an amusing enough movie.