Royal Ugly Dude

I have no idea who any of the people referred to in this article are. Wait, check that, I've heard the name "Milo Ventimiglia" before. Was he a bit player on the Sopranos?

Maybe he really likes UNIX?

For at least 36 years, the government has mostly been run regardless of the wishes of the public as a whole. Over half of all Americans want Medicare for Everybody. It would be cheaper and produce better outcomes than our current health care system. But there's functionally no way to vote for it, because the insurance

Busking isn't welfare, though.

Schumer helps set the party line. Which is why the party line is so fucking milquetoast. Why the shit aren't the Democrats out saying "Medicare for everyone" at every single event and interview they show up for? The Republicans handed the Democrats this golden opportunity to make health care a hammer they could use to

Clinton's a goddamned greed monster, marginally better than Trump, and would have been slaughtered in a 2020 election, assuming the Republican party, or rather, the Republican party's owners, were competent enough to make sure the fascist they all get behind isn't some damp paper Superman like little Marco or some dim

No, instead, the party chooses leaders like Chuck "For every blue collar worker we lose in western Pennsylvania, we'll pick up two or three moderate Republicans in the Philadelphia suburbs, and you can replicate that in Ohio and Wisconsin and Illinois" Schumer. Schumer is damn close to the biggest fucking idiot on the

Honestly, I'm at least a little bit glad that Trump beat Clinton. I wish the Democratic Party would take the lesson of that seriously and stop putting incompetent and captive tools like Chuck Schumer in power. But a Republican wipeout election in 2020 would be disastrous, and had Clinton been president, almost

No Chi-Vee?

There's an asshole in my small city who drives a yellow H2 with the vanity plate 3MPG. I can't believe I haven't keyed that fucker's truck yet.

Or that selfishness is really the only moral behavior and that seriously, we need to take objectivism seriously and everything will be golden when the anarchists have police protection from their slaves.

I need it for my job as a part time character assassin.

Ten dead babies with one live one trapped at the bottom, trying to eat its way out?

Misfits autoupvote rule invoked.

Oh, no, however will these sons of privilege ever get past this?

I am not a gay dude. Do gay dudes in a relationship usually designate one dude as the the top and one dude as the bottom, or are couples usually more versatile than that?


Why on earth didn't your mom want your dad to listen to Prince? Did she have something against toe-curling orgasms?

Jean Claude Van Damme is as well. Unfortunately, that nation is Luxembourg.

Top Gun 2: This Time, We'll Try to Credibly Cast Iran as a Threat