Royal Ugly Dude

Well, I try not be a sexist asshole, but I grew up a white straight dude in America, so I'm sure there's a whole raft of problematic behaviors that I'm kind of oblivious to.

Well, in the book, both Laura's infidelity and Bilquis's vaginal devouring happen. Are those innately sexist? Could be. I have a dick, so I don't really get to say what's sexist or not.

They mentioned the plan, which in dramatic terms is as good as saying it's not going to work.

You saw the show's portrayal of rural Virginia, right? Painting broad groups with an unfavorable brush kinda seems this show's jam.

I don't know, but based on experience, it seems as if it must.

It sure makes it easier for the show to have a charismatic white person.


If we're going to list Kelly's horrible moments from her career at Fox, I'd better make a sandwich, because this is going to take a while.

Why would that be fun? It's not as if Putin has to give even the slightest of shits about US popular opinion.

You know, Vietnam's had more than just one or two wars. It'd be entertainingly clusterfucky if Mulligan was cast to play a court scribe during the Trung sisters' revolution.

Can you still make a decent living in China being a white person who shows up at things and looks businesslike, or did Trump fuck that up, too?

Are they?

I don't know that there was a particular watershed moment. It's the best extraordinarily bad TV show I've ever seen,

I have a Dexterity of around 5. There's a reasonable chance that I'm going to drop my laptop in the midst of this posti

Inverse square, even.

That might have come off as strident. It's not meant to be. It's the gentlest possible fuck off, because baseball is awesome.

20 GOTO 10

Yes, which is why I mentioned it here.

Well, they also cancelled Marco Polo. Which did also cost a shitload.

I enjoyed Marco Polo, but it's awfully tough for a series to succeed when it's only major white dude has what in D&D terms would seem to be about a 5 Charisma.