Royal Ugly Dude

It comes as a shock to you when people ignore dead Africans?

Marathug Lyfe!

Bernardo Gui or Jorge of Burgos?

Southeastern Wisconsin, where people flee Milwaukee and Chicago to not pay taxes and never have to interact with a black person in any way other than buying their jersey.

I'd be willing to bet that Ryan finds that picture of the Vietnamese girl draped in napalm a gutbuster.

You know how I know you're from Wisconsin? Aside from the cheese referencing nom de website, I mean.

Someone should teach Rep. Bateman about the fun new thing called playing in a refrigerator with a plastic bag over your head.

But one that will generate fewer clicks than a Diane Kruger photo would.

They had an opportunity to run a Diane Kruger picture, and instead went with this? AV Club, you've failed Internet 1001.

Jin Yang's getting the house. Search your heart, you know it's true.

It's surely no, "Sorry I tried to spit-roast your mom."

The best part of the episode, for me, was Catherine's therapist reaching her "I can't handle this shit any more" point. It just had me rolling.

And Denise? Brian? Arnold?

I'm a little surprised an LAPD detective didn't just decide to beat the information the detective wanted out of a black man.

Money is just not something any major character on this show ever thinks of, is it? It's just there for them whenever they want it.

That's from the Drebin and Jane dating montage in the first one.

Compared to America?

Yeah, they're bullshitting. No shit. You can tell, because they're talking. Anyone still a Republican by now is a bilious spite monster who should be at very least insulted every single time he or she appears in public. Reason is useless with them. They operate in a reason-adjacent milieu. Treating them with the

Let's give them Portugal. It'd be really, really hard to fuck up Portugal too badly, and even if they did, it's only Portugal. A loss, but not a great one.

How many Malleus Maleficarum certified witches equal one Moorish infidel?