Royal Ugly Dude

Carthago would complain, but est delendo.

Nope. Not if you loathe the book.

There's a lot of towns that are only kept alive by nefarious acts. Washington, New York, LA…

No. And that is exactly the right question to ask. The thing that makes Hellboy work is that it's more than a little bit camp.

That seems a little strident, and I apologize. But still. No.

I never knew I wanted this before. But I totally do.

Fuck you.

I normally don't hold truck with any of this religious stuff, but I will admit that this is a kind of catchy musical that I don't totally detest.

He was great. He was dirty as fuck. He was a Blue. Fuck him, and fuck the Blues.

I don't because he was dirty as fuck, and dirty on the Blues. Fuck the Blues.

Yeah, that wouldn't have worked well. We'd have needed to ask Khomeini.

God, the goalies before Plante who wouldn't wear a mask.

Mustrum Ridcully.


Wasn't it in California, at UC Davis I believe, where they had that security dude walk by and just let loose with a cloud of pepper spray on the peaceful unarmed protestors just a few years ago. Point is, doesn't matter where you are, there's always trigger-happy lunatics, and most of them are going to wind up as cops

That's why they ended the draft. Divorce the military from the people as a whole, and you never need to fear revolution.

I'm hoping he goes with Steven Seagal, because of the comedy value. Fuck it, why not? It's not as if whoever he names isn't going to be a loathsome gargoyle dredged up from one of Rimbaud's more horrifying opium dreams. Let's get someone at least funny, rather than a Republican Blokhin, a grim and colorless

Just think, we'd be one Mike Pence aneurysm away from President Patrick Bateman Paul Ryan.

A quick wikipedia'ing of her biography reveals a life drenched in consequence-free privilege. Born in Greenwich, CT, and attended SMU? Gross.

This seems more Marx Brothers than Coen Brothers to me.