Royal Ugly Dude

Slashing the fuck out of the social safety net, obviously.

Allons enfants de la patrie
La jour de gloire est arrive

O/U on when Spicer averages his first drink of the day (and it's got to be vodka to keep the scent off his breath):

Shit, we would have had Medicare for All for 50 years if white people weren't afraid of brown people.

I mean, it would have been cool if the Democratic campaign had been something other than, "that guy's a dick, vote for the person who is transparently going to sell you out immediately upon election". Come to think of it, that was mostly the Republican campaign as well, although they did occasionally talk about the

And millions of slack-jawed viewers who can't take their eyes off the train wreck.

Controversial take: Fuck that guy. Not sexually, because, ewww. Just, fuck that guy.

Well, thankfully, you're here to calm down all of these inflamed mental tensions. Anyway, why do you claim that the phrase "kidnapped en masse" is a) historically inaccurate and b)meant to fool people into thinking white people alone were responsible for slavery?

Why? I mean, he's witty, I guess, but he's evil.

Well, they didn't end well for some of the crooks. I imagine if you were a French Marquis with significant estates in Gascony who died in 1783 because one of your mistresses gave you syphilis, you made out pretty well in comparison to the vast majority of subsistence farmers who funded your lifestyle.

And, as we just saw six months ago, a campaign run on the basis of "That guy's a dick, vote for me." is a sure fire winner in today's America.

We already have socialized medicine, it's just really inefficiently administered through the bankruptcy courts.


Yes, and yes. Honestly, 15 minutes in, I thought this was going to be the worst episode of Lucifer yet. And then, Trixie has two mommies happened.

I'd like to see David Lo Pan, the chairman of the National Orient Bank and who owns the Wing Kong Import-Export Trading Company. But I won't, because he's so reclusive that no one's even laid eyes on this guy in years.

Again, what the fuck is your point? What are you trying to accomplish? Let's stipulate that the majority of people shipped in the transatlantic slave trade were POWs. What does that say about the transatlantic slave trade that is somehow concealed by the sentence, "They were kidnapped en masse and enslaved by people

Of Goldman Sachs?

Anti-intellectual redneck snowflake. Honestly, reactionaries seem to me to be the real snowflakes; they're all white and they all melt when any heat is applied.

If the premise of this show's world is the more worship a god receives, the more powerful it is, then isn't having Jesus be a character something of a cheat, like putting LeBron James into a high school basketball game?

So, what is the point? I'm trying to understand what you're driving at. Emily didn't talk about who did the initial enslaving at all, so I don't really get why your statement that most of the transatlantically shipped slaves were purchased in African markets is significant. Could you please clarify for me?