Royal Ugly Dude

Ossie Davis at his most dapper.

Obama didn't do as much as he could because he is basically a Rockefeller Republican, which is a legitimate political position with which I'm going to have a lot of disagreement while realizing at heart that at least it's an ethos. Those people don't have a home in the GOP any more.

Which war crimes were you referring to?

Does Al Jazeera even still broadcast in the US?

Clarence 13X

What I want to know is: when is the show going to talk about black on black crime?

Also, the funniest part of this episode was the CBS This Morning blurb about the Texas housewife who wants to end reading.

I am glad for people that enjoy gin that it has been invented, but I find it pretty disgusting.

Is it a major error, though? I mean, we'll just for the moment assume that your claim is true, and that those wars weren't really fought primarily to acquire people for the slave trade, how does that change the central point? How do the slaves being POW's change the essential fuckedness of the transatlantic slave

I don't get how Erlich's horrible mock Mandarin or efforts to claim that Chinese people don't accept help as part of a way to keep Bighead out of the project are racist jokes. They're basically jokes that Erlich's a yutz, basically a less successful Russ Hanneman. Or at least that's how I see it. Maybe someone could

Should be a three floor, with wooden stairs on the alley side.

Old World Wotan.

Head bent over.

So, the last 500 years or so in pictorial form, basically.

Y'all will surely need lawyers, right, so I'll have a niche!

They functionally have. Why be explicit, where a court could hypothetically do something about it, when you can cloak it under enough equivocation to give Gorsuch cover for the ultimate majority decision?

The law, in all of its equal majesty, forbids the rich as well as the poor from sleeping under bridges.

It's kind of hard to imagine a serious positive change without at least the credible threat of a Robespierre or Lenin. I don't know if our ruling class is capable of putting up another FDR, and it's been a long time since our working class had a common experience like WWI or WWII to teach us our power.

This is a dude who dreamed of gutting the social safety net while doing keg stands. In a just world, he already would have been led into the tiled basement with the drain in the center of the floor.

Well, for most of them, offering insurance plans ties their employees to them. If we had Medicare for All that wasn't tied to employment, then employees could more credibly threaten to walk out the door.