Royal Ugly Dude

Philosophy class.

Diarrhama, though, not really a show you want to see.

It was pretty awesome, because I was eating an awful lot of mushrooms and finding Phish and Widespread Panic really, really interesting.

That period in the mid 90's gave us the motherfucking Wu Tang Clan and Biggie, though.

As a Packer fan, I am torn as to whether I should applaud your nom de website, or boo it.

The 80's were the mainstream cultural low point of the 20th century, and its only serious rival was the early-mid 50's.

I hope people will use it as a gateway to Foucault's Pendulum, which is fricking awesome.

Wait, people would actually lie about reading the Davinci Code? Why? What kind of cachet comes with functionally declaring, "Yes, I was at the airport once and forgot to bring a book."?

I think you're underselling both our wins and our losses.

Wasn't the poor whites who elected Trump, unless you're arguing that they owed their votes to the Democrats and failed to show in sufficient numbers. Trump's base seems to be the exurban petit-bourgeoisie.

Ethiopia-Eritrea was pretty interesting, too, except for the whole "being in Africa" thing. That takes it right out of public consciousness.

Honestly, I probably could lift one end of a Volkswagon Beetle to waist level.

I hate to break this to you, but the party that you're hoping for the long game from made Chuck "For every blue collar worker we lose, we'll gain three moderate Republicans" Schumer Senate Minority Leader. Don't look for this iteration of the Dems to save you.

Why not? It seems like there's a huge chunk of society that will believe the most ludicrous stuff. Why not get that working for us?

Yes, because the right mostly does not give a single solitary fuck about consistency. It's why the Aaron Sorkin model of politics is doomed to fail eternally. You cannot abash the American right by pointing out their inconsistencies. Why try, unless you're just looking to engage in wankery?

Veep did the same joke better, I thought, when Jonah let loose with a screed about slaying pussing in an elementary school classroom. That said, it was done well here, too.

Cut the "I have become four check" crap, surtocor. We both know what this is about. You want me to get an abortion.

(I was actually trying to see how many different synonyms for "Name that Tune" the Commentariat could come up with. I, too am old enough to remember that show, and indeed, I was fucking awesome at it for a kid. It was a legacy of stoner hippie parents).

I thought there used to be a show about that, something like, "Identify that ditty".

No Vinnie Lecavalier? For shame.