Royal Ugly Dude

Drew Pinsky. Yeah, I'm sure putting people's inpatient care on fucking television is aimed totally at helping them deal with their addictions, and not just about "Dr." Drew starfucking his way into fame. How the fuck does that guy still have a medical license?

Hell yes it's mean-spirited. Most comedy is.

Rudy Giuliani looks like the Crypt Keeper's Tinder profile picture.

Steve Bannon looks like sentient Taco Bell meat.

I had the worst food I've ever tasted the only time I went to a TGIF. Two bites was enough to convince me that I need never return.

You know, Bill Hicks.

Jonathan Winters.

David Cross objectively does not belong in that group for standup. His sketch work is fantastic, but his standup is…yeesh.

I was merely irritated with this movie until the FBI started assuming jurisdiction in London.

Talking about websites is a date conversation?

So, was Billy Crystal Hansel, or was Gregory Hines?

Wait, people have to pay for bible study?

The threat of scorched earth is necessary for successful negotiation. The center left needs the far left as big and active and scary and revolutionary as possible, so as to get the center right into actually negotiating, lest they be forced to negotiate with a bunch of pissed off zealots. It's what the right knows in

The fact that you could compose that list and not name a single John Carpenter movie indicates two things: First, the Eighties were stacked with awesome action movies. Second: You really need to go see Escape From New York, Big Trouble in Little China, or They Live, like, today.

Why do people seem to think Hardiman's a decent person and not just another goddamn Alito?

I mean, the real baller move would have been to nominate Garland, who never saw an exercise of executive power he didn't completely approve of. Castrate the Senate Majority Leadership and simultaneously strengthen his coalition by showing that he's not a typical partisan politician. Then, When RBG or whoever shuffles

Burying that footage of Mr. Trump calling Omarosa a "shifty n(word)" will not come as cheap as a mere SCOTUS nom.

To be fair, so should the winner.

YAY! Finally, our obstructionist asshole powers are being celebrated by a small slice of society!

I can't see it being so, but hell, what do I know?