Royal Ugly Dude

Damn skippy. This is an honest to goodness constitutional crisis. This needs our attention and our action.

Take them to the iron maiden.

Maybe you want this, but I don't want to see a goblin jacking off to footage of burning Syrian children.

Sorry for this mental image, but I'm about 99.9999 percent sure that the speech to the assembled Cardinals will now be Bill Donohue's primary wank bank material until he finally casts off the mortal coil.

I've always been partial to ofay.

Chicken, RISE!

If Aelle wasn't a misogynist, he'd either be really exceptional or rather ahistorical. Also, Charlemagne was dead for 50 years by the time the Great Heathen Army invaded. Charlemagne fucked up their Saxon coreligionists on an almost annual basis, but his sons and grandsons had a bitch of a time dealing with the

It was season 1, the 8th episode I believe, and if I recollect properly, the title was "Sacrifice".

Maybe they're just friends who fuck? Neither of them seems particularly possessive of the other.

Well, there was that brief shining moment in the 1790's, but then a bunch of assholes had to go spoil a good reign of terror.

That's not how you spell "Giannis Antetokounmpo".

Eh, Hades seemed to avoid most of the worst of the pettiness, depending upon how you interpret the whole Persephone thing.

Why? Doesn't seem to be working.

The "information is shared well" part of capitalist dogma kind of ignores the very real incentives on the part of capital to avoid exactly that kind of information sharing. Or do you think it's just random that we have a social taboo against discussing salaries in most workplaces?

The state initiates criminal actions, not the alleged victim.

/points at most of American history

Hey, I imagine some people find his shiny black carapace very sexy.

I kinda think Shkreli getting a shit facial is almost the textbook definition of entertainment.

Sweet Dee's Dating a Mercenary Captain

Twincest, youporn's 56th ranked search term.