Royal Ugly Dude

The Pope Who Fucks

Hey, massive nuclear explosions kept us from directly taking on the Sovs in a shooting war for a few generations. Given how generally bellicose we've been, that's staggering.

So, I have to think that people would be able to connect the dots on the whole breaking of the seal of confession thing pretty quickly, especially if the pope is going to keep dropping weird, hyperspecific chastisement.

Starring Jackie Mason as Hernando Cortes!

Also, Grampa Ecbert is the best Ecbert.

Hey, if Ubbe, Sigurd, and Hvitserk wanted to not look like chumps, they should have had cooler nicknames, OK, Snake-In-the-Eye is a decent nickname, but c'mon. Boneless and Ironside. It sounds like a way to order a steak at a Sizzler.

"The Internationale" Various

Isn't that "Mackie Messer"?

You'd better listen to him, he's a Galactic Padishah Emperor!

"Stagger Lee" Really by any of the old blues or R&B musicians, although the Lloyd Price version is most famous. Let's see who knows their history.

Only if the band performing does it while killing a bunch of rich motherfuckers.

"When the Mothership Comes" Funkadelic

"Pretzel Logic" Steely Dan

Although I'd pick "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos" from their discography. Still, upvoted.

"Kung Fu Fighting" Carl Douglas

You forgot about the Nuge concert, where he plays Cat Scratch Fever and all of his other greatest hits for well over 4 and a half minutes.

Does anyone else throw up just a little bit in their mouth every goddamn time they read the words "Future President Donald Trump" or is it just me?

I'm sure there are still many remaindered Trump steaks available.

She's nowhere near as qualified as Mr. Trump is. Given Republican control over all branches of the government, knowing how to do a bankruptcy is about to become very relevant, and Mr. Trump has scads of experience in that department. I am unaware of Ms. Streep taking an entity into bankruptcy even once in her career.

But not much more. Not much at all.