
I disagree that Chase was every arguing the back and forth of Tony's morals. I think he was only trying to reveal the many layers of what makes people tick. I think Tony's ultimate failure is not that he refuses to renounce evil - I mean come on that is just kind of silly - but that in the end he doesn't know WHY he

I disagree that Chase was every arguing the back and forth of Tony's morals. I think he was only trying to reveal the many layers of what makes people tick. I think Tony's ultimate failure is not that he refuses to renounce evil - I mean come on that is just kind of silly - but that in the end he doesn't know WHY he

You've got it exactly right as far as I'm concerned

You've got it exactly right as far as I'm concerned

No it doesn't matter at all. It affects nothing. We've seen every facet of Tony and he is irredeemable. What happens to him from here on out is a foregone conclusion. We've explored everything there is to explore.

No it doesn't matter at all. It affects nothing. We've seen every facet of Tony and he is irredeemable. What happens to him from here on out is a foregone conclusion. We've explored everything there is to explore.

The POV stuff is completely bullshit. Those aren't real POV shots, they are all highly zoomed in. If Chase wanted to make a real POV then he would have left them zoomed out. It's very clear from when he first walks in that there is a long aisle to the section of booths where they sit (past the counters), yet everytime

The POV stuff is completely bullshit. Those aren't real POV shots, they are all highly zoomed in. If Chase wanted to make a real POV then he would have left them zoomed out. It's very clear from when he first walks in that there is a long aisle to the section of booths where they sit (past the counters), yet everytime

"Throughout its final season, The Sopranos argues that to get stuck, to not realize the daily gifts you receive just from being alive, is to be metaphorically dead, to be someone who’s consigned to the past tense and doesn’t even know it…..
But change is growth. Growth is life. To stop improving, to get stuck in your

"Throughout its final season, The Sopranos argues that to get stuck, to not realize the daily gifts you receive just from being alive, is to be metaphorically dead, to be someone who’s consigned to the past tense and doesn’t even know it…..
But change is growth. Growth is life. To stop improving, to get stuck in your

I disagree. I think Tony carried around with him an inherent sadness, a small frustration that never went away.

I disagree. I think Tony carried around with him an inherent sadness, a small frustration that never went away.

You say this like you discovered something revelatory. Like all the arts; writing, visual, theatre, music, etc don't suffer from this exact same issue. This is one of the fundamental struggles of all art, television being only recently worthy of that kind of consideration.

You say this like you discovered something revelatory. Like all the arts; writing, visual, theatre, music, etc don't suffer from this exact same issue. This is one of the fundamental struggles of all art, television being only recently worthy of that kind of consideration.

hahahaha dude give it a rest. You have BEEF with the networks who created the 5 greatest dramatic television series of the last 15 years, maybe ever?? Even by 2012 internet board posting pretention standards that's ridiculous.

hahahaha dude give it a rest. You have BEEF with the networks who created the 5 greatest dramatic television series of the last 15 years, maybe ever?? Even by 2012 internet board posting pretention standards that's ridiculous.

It's interesting that you liked the cold opens, because just like Season 2, I did not. I think they are a cheap gimmick. It's like Gilligan is saying 'you better make sure you watch the whole season so you can find out how we get to THIS!' when the show is already so good we'll watch it. It's something that I'd expect

It's interesting that you liked the cold opens, because just like Season 2, I did not. I think they are a cheap gimmick. It's like Gilligan is saying 'you better make sure you watch the whole season so you can find out how we get to THIS!' when the show is already so good we'll watch it. It's something that I'd expect

I think the show has reached the point where criticizing it is almost an unwritten no-no. I think it's starting to get way overblown. 
For example I thought last nights episode contained some of the clunkiest and least true to character dialogue I've seen from it in a while (maybe ever), especially Mike who seems to

I think the show has reached the point where criticizing it is almost an unwritten no-no. I think it's starting to get way overblown. 
For example I thought last nights episode contained some of the clunkiest and least true to character dialogue I've seen from it in a while (maybe ever), especially Mike who seems to