
I would like to see an alternative Breaking Bad review. I think the show has reached the point where criticizing it is almost an unwritten no-no. I think it's starting to get way overblown.

I would like to see an alternative Breaking Bad review. I think the show has reached the point where criticizing it is almost an unwritten no-no. I think it's starting to get way overblown.

Yeah I love Pete as well. He's the most fully realized character of the show besides Don and he's the only true tragic character as I see it. The first few episodes of the first season really set up his trajectory and what has made him into the person he is. He's fascinating.

Yeah I love Pete as well. He's the most fully realized character of the show besides Don and he's the only true tragic character as I see it. The first few episodes of the first season really set up his trajectory and what has made him into the person he is. He's fascinating.

What happened to the criticisms of Breaking Bad along racial lines? Have we all forgotten that there still isn't a Latino in the show besides maybe Hank's partner that is anything but a scumbag. I love the show don't get me wrong but it seems that we have white washed all over that part of the show. For a show about

What happened to the criticisms of Breaking Bad along racial lines? Have we all forgotten that there still isn't a Latino in the show besides maybe Hank's partner that is anything but a scumbag. I love the show don't get me wrong but it seems that we have white washed all over that part of the show. For a show about

I blame Todd

I blame Todd

Yeah I never liked Lane as a character. I was happy to see him go

Should we be surprised that your picture is Jesse Pinkman…?

I won't argue about the greatest gangster movie ever, but saying Goodfellas is the greatest film ever made is definitely insane. I would argue that making that point is going to make a lot of people assume you are either in college or are a recent frat boy. Yeah yeah it's a great movie but it's freakin driven by a

I won't argue about the greatest gangster movie ever, but saying Goodfellas is the greatest film ever made is definitely insane. I would argue that making that point is going to make a lot of people assume you are either in college or are a recent frat boy. Yeah yeah it's a great movie but it's freakin driven by a

The past is written after the fact. As it's happening it is mostly imperceivable. Condensing the civil right movement into a term like 'The Civil Rights Movement' makes it easier for people to wrap their head around it and 'know' what happened. I think it would be below Weiner's genius to allow the characters to

The past is written after the fact. As it's happening it is mostly imperceivable. Condensing the civil right movement into a term like 'The Civil Rights Movement' makes it easier for people to wrap their head around it and 'know' what happened. I think it would be below Weiner's genius to allow the characters to

Haha The 'Aeolian Mode' is just the minor scale. Is that supposed to be a dig by Sean O'Neal or just a stupid remark from this so called 'leak'.

Haha The 'Aeolian Mode' is just the minor scale. Is that supposed to be a dig by Sean O'Neal or just a stupid remark from this so called 'leak'.

Care to elaborate…?

Care to elaborate…?

Ray Finkle..
Finkle is Einhorn!!!

Ray Finkle..
Finkle is Einhorn!!!