Um why is Vince Gilligan going from Breaking Bad to a cop drama on CBS??? Is he serious?
Um why is Vince Gilligan going from Breaking Bad to a cop drama on CBS??? Is he serious?
Don Draper doesn't give a shit what you think. That's why he's Don Draper
Spot on sir spot on!!!!
Books are much better. This was the only episode this season that was even close to being considered worthy of A Storm of Swords
hahahaha touche my friend
I agree… at the end I was yelling "Don! Don!" at the TV. I was very disappointed in him.
In the book, it is revealed that the letter is being written to Roose. In fact I believe Roose reads that letter as he dines with Jaime later on. Could be wrong but I remember putting it all together the 2nd time I read Storm. My details could be mixed up but it is definitely revealed. Tywin also says something in the…
I am genuinely miffed by your remarks sir. You've read the books 'many times' yet feel the TV show is better???
That's the kind of thing like, "I don't like Shakespeare" that you should never say because it makes you sound like a moron. Replace "don't like" with "I haven't devoted the time to exploring the depths and genius of so I currently don't understand… (Shakespeare, The Great Gatsby, Mozart, Sondheim, etc)
Sweeney Todd (not the film)
No mention of Fern Hill??! AAAAAAH!
I love it very much:
So was The Sopranos…
Season 3 was so unsurprising and unoriginal. You knew from episode 2 what was going to happen. Season 3 was laaaame
The Pete Campbell hate is inexplicable. Yeah the character himself you might dislike in real life but the performance/writing is so deep and so captivating how can you not love every minute of it. PETE! PETE! PETE! PETE!
I'm just going to go on record as saying that although I can see the faults that you are pointing out, I still loved the film. It was exhilarating, intense, and haunting. Is it possible to make a film that is both a fully fleshed out character study and a brilliant procedural? Maybe with 50 hours on television cough…
Tarentino is only making movies that cater to a small group of people, and that group ain't the retired Academy. And frankly ever since Kill Bill he just keeps making the same movie and reshuffling the plot and some of the cast. Seriously man, come up with something new.
Tarentino is only making movies that cater to a small group of people, and that group ain't the retired Academy. And frankly ever since Kill Bill he just keeps making the same movie and reshuffling the plot and some of the cast. Seriously man, come up with something new.
The Academy should go back to 5 Best Picture nominees, this 9 or 10 is crap.
Johnny lived with a grace and glitter-
kinda like the lives he lived on stage.
Died in a barn in pain and bitter,
27 years of age
I think it's mostly just because there is some sort of weird population of people on this site that have an unhealthy relationship with this show. I mean for god's sake it's really good and all but get over it.