
I think you're all forgetting the scene from Season 1 where Arya overhears Varys and Illyrio conspiring in the room with the dragon heads…
THAT is Varys' angle… 
He was trying to provoke the war. He's in on the Targaryen conspiracy

Dude you're an idiot.

Dude you're an idiot.

whaaaaaaat. If you feel this way, don't re-read at all. You don't get it

whaaaaaaat. If you feel this way, don't re-read at all. You don't get it

Shock and Au, You mean the Major 7th chord.
Root, M3, m3, M(!)3
The dominant is like peanut butter and jelly. Everybody uses and loves it.

Shock and Au, You mean the Major 7th chord.
Root, M3, m3, M(!)3
The dominant is like peanut butter and jelly. Everybody uses and loves it.

You could learn and study music theory and then you could figure all this out yourself.
 A 'finite number of notes spread over an infinite number of songs' to describe pop music is pretty ridiculous because pop music uses about 25% of the musical language. Probably not even.

You could learn and study music theory and then you could figure all this out yourself.
 A 'finite number of notes spread over an infinite number of songs' to describe pop music is pretty ridiculous because pop music uses about 25% of the musical language. Probably not even.

Replacing Belwas with Daario? Give Daario some real characterization? Could it be?

Replacing Belwas with Daario? Give Daario some real characterization? Could it be?

hahaha if this show is like your post college life how are you not in jail? The so called 'job' these guys do is ridiculous

hahaha if this show is like your post college life how are you not in jail? The so called 'job' these guys do is ridiculous

How long will this "B" be up before the AV Club management says "We need to talk…"
There's no way you can leave that. It is insulting. CHANGE IT!
A! A! A! A!

How long will this "B" be up before the AV Club management says "We need to talk…"
There's no way you can leave that. It is insulting. CHANGE IT!
A! A! A! A!

I'm a little surprised by the lack of respect for Six Feet Under in the comments so far. It is a great show. Flawed but often very beautiful. I will always love it because it was the first real 'grown up' show that I watched that helped me realize the power of the long form television narrative. I watched it before I

I'm a little surprised by the lack of respect for Six Feet Under in the comments so far. It is a great show. Flawed but often very beautiful. I will always love it because it was the first real 'grown up' show that I watched that helped me realize the power of the long form television narrative. I watched it before I

Almost every single one of these references are to movies that nobody cares about. Except Godfather II. It's not really surprising that poor sequels contain poor character write offs.

Cersei's biggest regret is that she was born without a cock.

Yeah how could you be bored with 5 chapters?