
I think it's a cruel trick GRRM plays on the reader by keeping him hidden for an entire book. Your mind is trying to create a 'new' character personality/visualization in your head and then it's hard to reconcile that person with Selmy until a reread

Yeah there are certain things I really really want to see from the House of the Undying.
Red Wedding foreshadow
"He is the prince that was promised. His is the song of Ice and Fire"
3 betrayals
3 heads has the dragon
"Mother! Mother!"
"The sun's son, the Mummer's Dragon, etc…"

Woah woah. Cersei is not in a nunnery. Were you taking LSD while reading Feast/Dance?

They better not kill Daxos. He is featured in one of the best Dany chapters in Dance.

Oh HipsterDBag, that is so strange and sad. You are wired in a weird way. You should probably give your body to science.

haha in Qarth it is said that all men can weep on command. It is a sign of passion and beauty

Sean, that headline should totally go on your resume. Well done sir.

Thanks Brian Wilson

Was nobody else excited to see Rickard Karstark??!! I let out a big whoop for that too just like "You know nothing, Jon Snow"

Yeah I would like an explanation from Todd as to why he feels this change may happen given that they are following the books on this plot. The only difference is them moving it up slightly

no. not exactly. Her last line is "Give me your sword" just like tonight. Next we see Jaime he is boating with Brienne.

Yeah it ends with her saying to Brienne "Give me your sword" after he pisses her off, just like tonight. First chapter of Storm of Swords after the prologue, Jaime and Brienne are boating and he explains what happened

Personally I love the Tywin of both the books and the show. The man is a genius and has probably the best mind of the whole series. In the book he says of the Red Wedding (paraphrasing) "Why is it ok to kill thousands of men on the battlefield and not ok to murder 25 for the same end". He absolutely IS the reason the

Cersei only had 10 chapters in the whole book. Read it with Dance together so they are spaced out more. I'll bet you'll love her chapters way more

Yeah totally not cool on ripping Feast like that. Feast is awesome and contains some of GRRMs most beautiful chapters "The Princess in the Tower" springs to mind. Also, once you read it simultaneously with Dragons and the grand scheme is more clearly visible they create a masterpiece.

haha while I understand what you're saying I disagree. I think people are impatient because they don't think about how short a time has elapsed over the course of the books. Less than 3 or 4 years. People want the entire world to suddenly change overnight. We have seen the collapse of two major houses of Westeros, the

Yeah Littlefinger is waaaaay too fast. He's zipping around everywhere. It's going to make people start to question why it takes Dany so long. And some book readers are already pissed about her lack of movement

Harrenhal does nothing…? It reveals the Lannisters strategy towards Robb, the inner workings of the Bloody Mummers, and their subsequent betrayal of the Lannisters and Harrenhal to Roose Bolton. Vargo Hoat, Tywin, Roose, Jaq'en… Nothing..?

Multiple times in the books GRRM talks about how many swings it takes to behead somebody. Those with '2 handed greatswords' and Valyrian Steel can often do it in 1 but most normal swords require more. How many did it take Robb to kill Karstark? I think that was 2 but the first one did kill him. I imagine last night

Yeah I really hope they aren't so heavy handed leading up to the Red Wedding. If a good amount of newbies are speculating that Robb might be killed by the Freys before it happens then the writers didn't do their job very well