
If you feel this way then you should read the books

Uh, the very first scene of the entire series was dead zombies killing people… It wasn't introduced from the outset?

Let's remember that Renly didn't even show up this season til episode 3. He had about 4 scenes. He is in no way a major character. His 'name' is bigger than his actual part. This is why he is expendable. His death will be a shot in the arm to the plot via the defection of all his troops over to Stannis. He has served

And then there are people like idiotking.. 
If everybody on this board was given 3 deaths by Arya's little red and white haired dude I think we'd almost all go idiotking for #1

By 'they', you mean GRRM? You're acting as if the people associated with the television show came up with these ideas and not him.

Except it isn't. Because you don't understand it yet. You think you know it's rules. You know nothing.

Nobody cares about a joke that begins with 'in the books…'. You still don't get how annoying you are idiotking

Game of Thrones has more than got incest covered on TV right now

And while we're defending the Martells, I'll stand up for the Greyjoys as well. Yes GRRM does occasionally divulge his bad tic of just listing a bunch of new but ultimately irrelevant characters in their chapters (ahem Kingsmoot anyone?) but the main ones are awesome. Victarion alone is badass enough to carry that

Right now I'm rereading Feast and Dragons simultaneously and I gotta say that it is freakin' KICK ASS. Now a lot of this is the increased awareness of the characters that comes from a re-read but I honestly think the Martell and Greyjoy stuff when combined with timeline and absolutely jaw dropping amount of

It's Roose Bolton's doublet. After her escape she runs around with the flayed man on her chest for awhile

Aye he did indeed. Multiple times in COK

The Joffrey stuff is overboard IMO. Stripping Sansa and having her beaten is enough. We don't need him with the whores. However did anyone burst out laughing at how abrupt and inappropriate the cut to Joffrey staring down the crossbow was? And the way he says "You must answer for the treasons of your brother" I'm not

Ser Courtnay Penrose!! An awesome minor character. I was hoping he'd make the cut. I love that guy.

Davos had 3 or 4 chapters in A Clash of Kings

Part of what makes the Mountain so cool in the books is he is spoken of, not seen much. He's a legend. We hear of his deeds more than we see him

There was definitely something hinted as. Tywin gives Sybil extra lands at the end of Storm of Swords for her role in the conspiracy that is never fully revealed

Yeah i thought he totally sucked. He sucked all the 'foreign far side of the world' energy right out of that scene

All my non book reading friends would shout out "Wine boy!!" during the first season so now whenever I see Lancel I can't help but join them. ITS THE WINE BOOOOY!

The Dornish are awesome. Doran Martell is tier 1 'playa'. It is known.