
I'm still not quite sure why the AV Club is giving the third season of Justified so much love. Sure it still contained a lot of witty dialogue and flashes of greatness, but the plot of the whole season was obvious from the beginning! It had no originality plot wise. Quarles chewed up every piece of scenery around,

I hope thats some sort of sick joke

A Storm of Swords, page 380 (large paperback edition)
Gilly: "If you don't take him, they will""They?" said Sam, and the raven cocked its black head and echoed, "They. They. They.""The boys brothers," said the old woman on the left. "Craster's sons. The white cold's rising out there, crow. I can feel it in my bones.

Ser Courtnay Penrose. An awesome small character. It is the second baby. Penrose just rides out under truce and chastises all of Stannis' lords. Great part. Insults Stannis. Badass guy. RIP Courtnay Penrose.

Agreed. I can not believe that Renly wouldn't have put Margaery down. He's got 100,000 men for her sweet self. Renly is a great mystery that I wish could be more understood. That's just the way of GRRMs writing. So many people and so many stories. I think the show is doing a crappy job of showing Renly's strength and

That puts a bad name on White Trash

Renly has only been in one episode. You think they were going to kill him in his first appearing episode of the season? Next one…

It is known.

It is explicitly clear… After the betrayal and death of Mormont…
A Storm of Swords, page 380 (large paperback edition)

Game of Thrones is incredible. Check it out. Read the books. Enrich your life.

I don't know if I can handle that kind of blasphemy about Arya

dude you are so annoying

Littlefinger???! I hope you're being ironic. Littlefinger in the show is nothing like Littlefinger in the books. In the books Baelish is extremely cunning and only speaks in japes and lies. Nobody, including the reader, really has any idea what the hell he is up to until his big reveal in the end of Storm. In the

The thing about the Red Wedding that is so shocking, for me, is the fact that it comes 2/3s of the way through SOS. I had a very good feeling Robb was going to die, but to have it be like that…. If the Red Wedding is done at the end of the season (as part of a 2 season Storm of Swords) I think it'll change its impact

"…unenviable task of setting the table for the series, but with so many characters and subplots to service…"Wait a minute, did you read The Hunger Games? It has the exact OPPOSITE of 'so many characters and subplots'. It has a lack of these things. It is the most straightforward, no meat on the bones book I've read

The filmakers didn't 'make American Psycho a period piece'. It was already a period piece. Hence all the brand names and overanalysis of pop culture. The book is firmly rooted in the 80's, as is the film. That wasn't an original idea. Give Bret Easton Ellis a little more credit please

The Sopranos laser like focus??? Are you serious? That show meanders like a mofo.

Is that really you Mr. Knauf?? If so you are awesome thanks for joining!!!
If not, then you suck for imitating him

Todd and everybody,
Does anybody else hate the way HBO has sort of 'disowned' this show? Someone said it was on HBOGO which is the best news I've heard about it recently. Its not on their website, however, and it's never on re-reruns. They basically pretend it doesn't exist. They have OZ and shows that came before this

The false sun is the A-Bomb test explosion that is foreshadowed in the 1st episode of the 2nd season. That was going to be the climax of the 6th and last season. This is when man 'traded magic for reason' or whatever the wording of that is