martin luther ZING Jr.

Movies are weird!
The thing about Lynch is, I watched Mulholland drive maybe like 6 or 7 years ago and I remember being sort of struck by it but having no idea really what it was about. I went on the Internet and I started reading up on some of the explanations. And I immediately liked it more. Same with reading

I wonder if
MacGyver will make an appearance.

It's not that lazy…they actually had to listen to R. Kelly.

@Flying Saucer Attack

I had "Coke Vanilla" recently and I couldn't taste the Vanilla at all. Tasted like regular Coke. Then again, there was a shitload of vodka in it so that may have had something to do with it. (I drink alcohol!)

Take a look in the mirror
you're the only one that can make that change.

Great Album…Unfair Review
It's true that this album is more of a mix of their more experimental and conventional sides…but it works really well and is very cohesive as a whole.

What are "Phel" jokes?

I'm really glad
that Rabin was the one to write this.

Maybe Phipps can come sit on your lap and you guys can talk about whatever pops up.

Damn, a lot of old people read the AV Club, by the way.

That actually hasn't been my experience with Phipps. I've sometimes found him to be frustratingly in the middle. You know, a B or B- or something.

That was a mistake on my part to leave off Off The Wall. It's a good album…for some reason, I tend to think from Thriller onward.

I take issue
with people in this thread implying that Thriller was his only good album. It's definitely his BEST but that's pretty fucking hard to top, no? Bad and, I daresay, Dangerous are both pretty solid.

It taught me that sometimes a racist white guy saves a black woman from a burning car.

Like I Always Say…
It's about time the Oscars went from being a pretentious bore to a pandering crap-fest…

I'm really confused…
at the free pass that the first Transformers got. It was an F-worthy film if I have ever seen one and without seeing this one (hopefully I'll never have to) I'm kind of surprised that it got such a high grade. I know I shouldn't judge things without seeing them but I truly believe that is okay

i'm not sure i entirely get it.

One minor criticism…
I don't want to be overly critical or anything, but sometimes I wish these were a little more colorful and less dry. I like reading Nashville or Bust and I don't know a ton about country music so it's actually great for that…but it is missing some of the wit and outrageous references of some of

yeah, it still makes me feel icky though.