martin luther ZING Jr.

A cleverly executed PR move…
to help combat the notion that the Boss is a corporate hack after selling album exclusively through Wal-Mart.

Can I Get Some Change?
Is probably the most brilliant thing they've ever done.

You should bring back that one feature…
I want you guys to bring back that feature where you write about the top 10 mainstream songs in the country. I can't remember what it was called or who wrote it but I don't have cable TV or listen to the radio so it was basically the only way i knew the real popular songs…plus

The Black Lips
Probably not my absolute favorite but all of my other ones were mentioned. 200 Million Thousand is good.


I'm actually suprised by how many people how said that Pet Sematary is one of his best or scariest. I remember being not that affected and thinking that it was sort of King by the Numbers.

I just lolz'd at Totz, Jr's comment.

Scariest book?
I've read a lot of King's books and I do like a lot of them for different reasons…but I think his hands down scariest book was Salem's Lot. Those vampire's waking you up in the night by tapping on your window.

Well, I don't know about any over-arching themes that they have in common…

Merriweather is a good album but…
the song "My Girls" sucks.

Nice…that was pretty spot-on.

my friend was an extra in one of his movies…
and he went up to him to shake his hand and tell him he was a fan…and carradine just gives him an ice-cold look and goes "are you actually talking to me?" then walks away.

Fonchus - Valid but there are some subtle and not so subtle differences which make a world of…difference. Williamsburg is sort of "run by the hipsters" with only the smallest remnants of any culture that was around before then i.e. (Puerto Ricans and Hacidic Jews towards the South end) This in itself doesn't

Well, I kind of generically wrote 9…I actually go to work at 10am which may explain it a bit. But also, there is a pretty fine line between yuppie and hipster in Williamsburg these days. Most people around there have hipster "tendencies" which doesn't bother me…it's mostly the 21 and 22 year old "hipster by the

L Train
It's so funny to hear Ed Helms talk about the L Train and how awful it is. Up until a month ago I had to take it to Union Square every morning and he's right, it's literally the worst thing in the world.

I think Nas…
should record a heart-breaking album that chronicles this divorce and call it "The Hip Hop Blood on the Tracks."

This is really good…
but I still never thought this was a great White Stripes songs. I don't know why it is/was so popular. Right place at the right time, I guess.

Ryan Adams…
gets a lifetime pass. Even if I agreed with the popular opinion that he is very inconsistent, which I don't, I would still give him a lifetime pass for Cold Roses, Heartbreaker, and Love is Hell.