
Went through the exact same thing with a close friend and now he is married and no one has seen him in two years. He started complaining about the relationship after about a week and for some reason never hit the brakes. Weird.

I love when people are arguing on the internet and they try to do a mic drop/sign off but then go right back to arguing. I imagine them in Victorian dressing gowns and nightcaps furiously reloading the page to make sure they got the last word before they retire to their fainting couches.

Because it's a really funny podcast that a lot of people like?

It does matter. You have to plan for your last kill to be near the area exit. Also whatever time you have left in the combo carries on to the next floor so you need to get a kill on the new floor fast. I've gotten some good combo chains using the reporter since he can get combo points for picking up guns and emptying

I feel that pain. The level with the cop where there's a line of those asshole ranged enemies that pop in and out of cover nearly drove me crazy. I didn't realize there was a score above A+ until I got an S by accident on the Subway level. There's no way I am going back and trying to get S's on every stage though. I

Thanks for this comment. I just sat back and watched the cutscene and then nothing happened but I thought maybe it unlocked something down the line. I just looked up what you need to do so I guess I'll be playing through that level again tonight.

I agree that the level design is different in this one and I enjoy that playing the different characters forces you to alter your playstyle. In the first game I just found a mask I liked and stuck with it for the entire game. In the sequel I find myself experimenting with many different paths and tactics. Death isn't

I tried to slow things down for the soldier level because I was dying way too much but I realized if I moved slowly then I would start to get angry when I died because the level was taking way too long to clear. Then I realized the soldier can switch to a knife when his gun is empty and I went back to my usual

Very true. I'm trying to get the achievement for getting A+ rank in all normal levels. I spend a lot of time reloading because a single enemy moved slightly farther away from a door then it did the death before. Getting a perfect combo chain that carries onto the next floor feels really good though.

That track is so good. Quixotic is one of my favorites.

Right but if you pick a line and repeat it after being shot once you know there is a ranged enemy there. There are slight variations in their patrols but for the most part if you are in the same place at the same time then so are the enemies. Learn the patrols and you can burn through each level pretty fast.

I keep reading in reviews that it is necessary to move through levels slower and use the option to look ahead more but I haven't found that to be the case. I'm 75% of the way through the game and I mostly brute force levels at top speed. There's a LOT of dying but I don't know how I would keep my combo meter up if I

Troy McClure: [on a video screen] While you're enjoying our hall of wonders, your car will unfortunately be subject to repeated break-ins…

Far Cry 2 is the only FPS that I have sunk more than 200 hours into. I can't even explain why I love it as much as I do. Saving up diamonds to unlock new weapons, visiting a safe house to experiment with a new loadout, stumbling across a corpse clutching a diamond briefcase in the middle of the desert, setting fire to

You go to the Laugh Factory. You work on your new chunk about the difference between white people and black people. You are heckled by a grue.

White Zombie - 'Real Solution #9'
Future Sound of London - 'Her Face Forms in Summertime'
Queens of the Stone Age - 'In the Fade'
Front Line Assembly - 'Right Hand of Heaven'
Entombed - 'Severe Burns'
Mclusky - 'Hymn For New Cars'

Even though I admitted above that I didn't pay much attention to the story, it's crazy how much is actually there. You can feel it as you play. The whole environment just oozes a sense of purpose and underlying lore. As someone mentioned below there are some very interesting lore videos by EpicNameBro on Youtube. I

I never learned how to parry or backstab. I keep a low weight and use the dark wooden ring to flip around like a goddamn ninja, flinging fireballs and slashing with my trusty Iaito.

A divine weapon and pyromancy got me through that nightmare.

You lose the ability to summon him for several boss battles including the final boss. He is a giant help in that fight. Maybe a little too much. I crushed the last boss like an ant.