
Shut the fuck up, loser.

It's weird seeing self-proclaimed huge loser complain about being made of fun of for being a huge loser. This is your life, buddy. You made it this way. Get used to it.

You're a bit of a tool, eh?

You should look into these ISIS fellas. They have a similar view on how to deal with culture they don't like.

What a fucking asshole you are.

I realized after writing my first comment that I have actually seen the first two seasons of SoA. It's so bad that only two moments stick out to me. The second one actually speaks to your point. Doesn't Gemma get brutally gang raped in the second season? What is the purpose of that other than to make a strong female

One of the only episodes of Sons of Anarchy I saw contained a scene where the lead characters joked about a group of immigrant women who burned to death. Something about one of the biker's cum being found in all of their stomachs? I'll take Skylar not immediately jumping on board the meth train and supporting Walter

I got more of a purgatory vibe but certainly was a hellish existence. It's been a while since I saw it but I remember thinking she was stuck in a loop due to her inability to accept how she treated her son and possibly caused his death. She's offered a ride to the harbor (to restart the cycle) and she accepts which

Nice to see Triangle getting some love.

Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad for having them.

So much warmth in my heart for that imperfect, twisted little game.

The Land of Rape and Honey by Ministry and Clandestine by Entombed.

Hell yes. His story ("The Entertainer" I think it is called) in the 666 anthology has been stuck in my brain for a decade.

"Alone With the Horrors" is a collection that covers a good chunk of his career. Skip the first story though as it is from his early days when he was just ripping off Lovecraft to sell stories to magazines.

I am a massive Ramsey Campbell fan and I can barely make it through his novels. His short story work can be quite amazing.

I'm on pace to get a solid ten hours out of this game. While I am not one to inflate length with worth it is still a full game and worth the price tag.

It gets savaged by most of the gaming community from what I have seen. It's a shame because it's not a bad game. I loved the first Amnesia and liked A Machine for Pigs. It was a different beast entirely but it had a lot of positive qualities. Except that giant pig boss battle in the electrical field. That part was

Exact opposite for me. Alien: Isolation felt like a slog and had nothing story-wise to keep me wanting to hide in storage lockers for long stretches. SOMA on the other hand is the kind of game I have to force myself to shut off when it's time for bed. I'm completely hooked by the story and immersed in the atmosphere.

I enjoyed White Orchard but the game didn't really open up for me until I hit Velen/Novigrad. You start seeing your choices making a real difference and get a solid feel for how the world and characters are connected in that area. Also you can ride around in a sweet-ass boat.

Several times this week I have seriously entertained the thought that I should make my own decks of Gwent cards so I can play with my friends. I need help guys. I am lost.