Le Duder

Jeff Buckley, Nels Cline, Lou Reed, Britta Phillips, Steve Shelly

I heard an acoustic Misfits covers albums awhile back at a party. I don't remember how was on it or what songs were on it. I just remember it being kinda shitty.

I hit post before I elaborated on why I think that would be good collaboration. "Hells Angels" has everything that the Cohen brothers do so well. It's a period piece, it's weird old Americana, it's violent and it has great potential for off beat humor and horrible haircuts.

Speaking of Wilco, I'd love to hear them work with Neko Case

The Cohen brothers should adapt
Hunter Thompsons "Hells Angels"

Does Bowie use his telescopic nipple antennas to send data back to earth?

Did the photographer
ask the contestants of whatever show this is to look a douchey as fucking possible. They're douches in real life for sure… but here they look like the doucheiest bunch of douches in the history history of douchedom.

Smoking catnip doesn't get you high. Believe me.

Ari has an unnerving Manic Pixie Dream Girl vibe. I'm quite sure she has a hamster and fish cemetery in her backyard.

Michael Moore was deported for eating to many moose or mooses or whats the plural for moose

I'm just saying I'm not with the times.

Le Duder is the name we use for the dude in Canada

I still jerk off manually
…but seriously I'm 18 and I've never heard of Generation Y. Then again I don't own a cellphone or an IPod.

Micheal Moore
Presented Canada as a nation without poverty and crime. There was a gang war this spring in Vancouver and the Neighbourhood of East Vancouver has the worst heroin problem in North America. Canada is just as messed up as the States. Some Canadian politicians are even considering privatizing healthcare.

Michael Moore & Michael Moore: A Love Story

The dude is not in.

El Duderino, Scent of The Dude
Smell like a Jay

NBC also announced a series about a hard boiled plays-by-his-rules cop called "The Good Samaritan"

Let me guess…
He fixes the cable?

Neither Michael nor Joe should be trusted with the well being of… anyone.