mello yello enthusiast

It's been so long since I've listened to it that I had forgotten what was specifically over-dramatic about it. I guess there were other changes in our culture that may have led to it but, it definitely wasn't because the music "died".

What bothers me about it is that a lot of intentionally tries to turn people off and say, "most of you won't get this and I wish less of you did."
It's just ugly, misanthropic and elitist and I'm supposed to feel bad for not liking it?
It seems to have a lot in common with Funk bands like Funkadelic and Sly and the

Agreed…and me acknowledging that isn't going to make me like Season 4 any better or like Season 5 any less (not that I didn't have a few problems with season 5…I'm personally not crazy about the meow-meow beenz episode that everybody loves).
The people in charge of Season 4 could make a good series on their own, it's

Oh, yea! Henley is the "Boys of Summer" guy!
This really is at the spirit of what the question's about. I know both Dons have a relatively good reputation with critics but, I would take Billy Squire over either one of them any day of the week. Squire's pretty shallow but, he's enjoyable.

…I had never actually noticed that.
I was actually okay with the song until somebody explained to me what it was about and…look, I understand. They don't make your favorite kind of music anymore, they don't really make mine either. It's not a fucking tragedy though, it's just something that's not great for you. He's

Al Bundy said all of that?

That's pretty much my sentiment on punk rock, except replace the words talent and craft with ideals and attitude.

Thank you!
American Pie stinks!

Biopics. I just can't bring myself to care about an actor doing his best imitation of this famous person from the past. I'd rather watch a documentary on the subject.

I think the first two are legitimate classics. I don't know about groundbreaking but, they hit all of the right beats. That's all I really ask from a buddy cop film.

I really liked Jet Li as a bad guy in the 4th one.
Oddly enough, I did make a choice a few years ago to consider that last scene at the hospital as being from the perspective of Riggs entering heaven after he died in the river with Jet Li.

Elroy was a great late-season addition. Frankie was a character that felt like she should have been there the entire time.

To be fair, Season 4 had some sort of hangover about it, where we were all bracing for the worst and Season 5 had some sort of reverse-hangover where we felt like everything was okay again.

They can do it without Chase, since Pierce Hawthorne is dead now. I would definitely mention him, though.

The sense of humor is still sharp but, a lot of the plot lines seemed kind of underdeveloped. In short, about as good as a 6th season can be. You might be a little disappointed after watching the first two episodes but, relax and there's a lot to like there.
…and the finale is perfect. They should definitely not make a

When did he start lisping, by the way?

Those fucking monsters!

Seriously, if he dumps that can of beer that people have been using as an ash tray, I'll have to ask him to leave.

Holy shit, you're right….if it makes you feel better, I was more of a Surge guy back then.

I flip flop on the issue of capital punishment a lot but…if you're going to do it, you have a responsibility to put that person down clean.