mello yello enthusiast

Same…and I hardly ever shout at the tv.

Does this mean that we're finally going to get those suicide booths we were promised?

That's the saddest part, he was gunned down before he could even wrap his head around what was happening.

I think it would work great if this was the Series Finale, actually.
Rick isn't really frail enough to pull it off right now.

I don't think I've ever been great at listening to something and creating my own visuals to go along with the story. I learn best by reading and, even then, I have to re-read a lot of things. There's like a ten second delay in my brain or something.

Agreed. They're both about equal. I'll give Reznor credit for doing it first but, intentional or not, the Cash version was saying something completely different while using almost the exact same lyrics.

I've never seen that show but, that does sound like something that could give me the chills.

I said this elsewhere but, Slug Jerry in the Tiny Rick episode was probably my hardest laugh of the season.

For the Irish, death is like a sweet retirement.
(…don't worry. I'm half-Irish, I can say it.)

Um…don't panic. The anti-dote should be somewhere around here unless somebody used it for chaser.

Get Schwifty really only looks bad because of the rest of the episodes. I gave it a B but, that's a Rick and Morty B. Look Who's Purging Now might not have been that original but, it got a lot of laughs out of me. I don't remember any of the cable bits from Inter-dimensional Cable 2 but, the stuff with Jerry's dick

…that's a hard thing to ask somebody. I need to go back and re-watch them. I didn't hate any of the episodes, for the record. I enjoyed them all, as a matter of fact. It's just that the premise for Get Schwifty didn't blow my mind and I didn't want to see them watch cable again. I enjoyed the B-plot about Jerry's dick

I'm eternally grateful to Jackson Publick for what he's given me but, I do wish he would share the work-load a little bit. If he keeps going on like this, he's going to be one of those guys who dies and it's weeks before anybody stumbles across the body.

You don't need the ham-fisted meditation on existence?
…two vodkas, please!

Yours is probably closest to mine. Let's just say that, out of the ten episodes, 8 of them are probably staying on my DVR forever.

Last I heard it was returning in early 2015! That's like (counts on fingers)…oh. Fucking oh!

The Johnny Cash version is generally more devastating but, the Nine Inch Nails version was definitely appropriate in this situation.

I try to be a cool custerson all the time but, that moment really hurt me.
I hope Squanchy made it out alive.

Not to get dark on you people (all while cribbing a Louis C.K. bit) but, how dark this episode got, combined with the cliffhanger, exasperated by the last bit where Mr. Poopy Butthole teased us about the cliffhanger…I can't help but realize that, statistically speaking, a few of us are likely to not see how this turns

No, it just meant he should never work again..hyuk hyuk.
I guess I get what he was going for. I just can't take it serious because he's trying to chalk our culture change up to, "the music".