mello yello enthusiast

That's a problem for the people 2000 years from now.

Just because I graduated high school ten years ago and never went to college doesn't mean you can leave me out of this stereotype.

(raises hand)
I think I saw the tv movies around the same time.

I lived in a house with no running water for three years as a kid. I have no sense of smell so, I was in charge of dumping the waste bucket.

I haven't heard a single thing about that rut in their marriage. If what you're saying is true, the press would pay hand over foot for that information.

You don't speak for me.

Is there a normal foot fetish?
Not to condemn that genre of sexuality…there's some rocks and here's my glass house but, let's be honest here. You don't even see that imitated in nature.

There are some hippies that tell me I'm supposed to hate him but, he seems like a decent dude…you know, on the politician scale.

We're definitely all grading on different scales.
Most of the shows reviewed on here are above B quality and are capable of getting an A on their best day so, a B would be an average episode, in my opinion. On the scale we have here, a B- is the 5th best score you can get. For your average racer, finishing 5th would be

Speak for yourself.

Lookin good!!

I feel like Colbert feels the same way about it as you do.

I'm generally on the "Wittiness for the Prosecution" side of this camp but…I have to say you're making a lot of sense here. It's true that entertainment doesn't have an obligation to pander to our sensibilities but, it's also true that we're not obligated to take everything in stride.

I think it's perfectly normal, honestly. It can spiral into something…expensive but, movies and tv shows are escapism so, I feel it's natural that, in our sensitive puberty state and in absence of actual physical contact with our preferred sex, we can gravitate towards fictional personalities that we find appealing.

Have an upvote with a sigh.

I would hole up with a bunch of friends and only shoot people that came looking for trouble.
If they were just walking by, that's fine. If I ask them to move on and they don't, things might get nasty.

It's unique in this case because…Jerry kind of deserves a condescending attitude, at the very least.
I've never watched The League but, I was thinking along the lines of Dee from Sunny/Meg: Family Guy/Butters: South Park/etc.

I just told Brad this but, this is probably where the comment fits best:

I think the problem isn't so much that it's being done but more the fact that it's being done by a lot of people.

They say you don't live in the real world but, I'm willing to bet that they're the ones that own a zombie apocalypse "go-bag".