mello yello enthusiast

Please…we don't need more cat stranglers in the Army.

I spent a large part of my childhood being attracted to Jazmine from the movie Aladdin and that was mostly because none of the women at school wanted anything to do with me.

He did fall right off the map for some reason.

Exhibit A, everybody: They've even done crimes against humanity.

Yea, I think he definitely learned awhile ago that he has to pick his battles.

We rationalize it even easier.
At the very least, Rick understands what he's doing and he generally tries to avoid causing chaos.

I think Rick understands how to play the system better.
He understands that some conflicts are too big for them to shoulder by themselves and he's kind of numbed himself to it.

I feel like he was probably just writing for Rick.
It's still kind of weird though. It never seemed to me that Rick enjoyed seeing people get mutilated. It's just that he knows the universe on such a large scale that he doesn't care. People on other planets killing each other is like spiders eating flies for us.

bigger than your entire head!

Not necessarily a bad thing, by the way. He's had a pretty varied career without being typecast.
Although, thanks to Adventureland, I've kind of thought of him as the "we need Michael Cera but Michael Cera's busy" guy.

Is Jesse Eisenberg's star power enough to warrant calling a movie "that Jesse Eisenberg movie"?

Which he said directly after killing a guy with a spoon to the eye.

Tarantino's description of what "Like a Virgin" is actually about could also apply to this show.
We only thought we were so jaded.

The Simpsons have done everything except die.

I don't think they hate each other, exactly. I think Rick's just kind of explained how the day-to-day bullshit of social interaction and they've gotten a little…impatient with it. Except for Jerry. Jerry's still very much a gather around the water cooler kind of guy.

By the way, she was totally faking the giddiness about going to the playground with Jerry as a child, wasn't she?

I honestly do appreciate this man unironically.

I'm kind of in the middle on this one. We all make fun of ugly people to a certain extent, even if it's just in our head. It would be hard to pull off that joke about Caitlyn Jenner without associating it with her being trans-gender. It's not the same as joking about Penelope Cruz's nose or Mickey Rourke's…situation.

It has very little to do with intelligence. It has a lot to do with the want to reduce everybody's argument to the worst case scenario of deep seeded, trans-phobic resentment.

They all claim that they'd do well in a zombie apocalypse.
They're hella survivors, bro…
I say we take the passive aggressive route of paying them to be in a zoo. With the design actually being to isolate them from society and breeding.