Godless Heathen

His defense is probably Balkan at the set bail amount

His defense is probably Balkan at the set bail amount

Also in sports
The NHL final, which was marked by intense bitterness between the Bruins and Canucks, and had its own unlikely hero in remarkably consistent goalie Tim Thomas

Anything by William Steig.

Brad Mehldau
Highway Rider

Interview with new showrunner
This podcast with Matt Miller clarifies the retooling:

Jazz Clubs
See the Ravi Coltrane Quartet at the Village Vanguard

She was also crazy bitch Lila on season 2 of Dexter

The problem with taking the Warner Brothers tour
Is that whenever one of their shows has a scene set it a small wooded area, you can tell it's always the same place.

I can see how some jazz musicians/afficionados can come off like soulmates of the fucks in Dream Theater, but there are douches everywhere. Good jazz is good music, and anyone playing should be doing it solely for the enjoyment it brings. Hip cats with their groovy talk may not be to everyone's liking, but that

Hey, Find Me Guilty was Sidney Lumet and it was pretty good.

My middle name is Aeneas. True story.

Yeah, I saw some interview thing where one of the actresses said she had to wear a merkin. What a funny word.

I suppose I sort of misinterpreted the sentence for the sake of hipster nitpicking.

Call me a douche
But I really don't see why these kinds of people should be taken seriously.

Album Rock?
What does that even mean?

I definitely agree that Dollhouse has gotten much more entertaining, but still think that it suffers from a sort of amateurishness. I know it's Whedon's style, but sometimes the material feels like it was written by a precocious kid with ideas way ahead of his actual talent. I liked the Prisoner's straight-faced

The whole premise of the second episode
Seems very similar to that of the Prisoner remake, yet critics are embracing it much more. They even had leads with the same level(or lack therof) of charisma. You may disagree, but I thought the Prisoner did it in a more interesting way.

My friend is a friend of his son. This fairly slim connection makes me happy.

I find it jarring
To look at this show and realize it's filmed on the exact same set as Mad Men.