Godless Heathen

In terms of liqeur
Romana Sambuca and Drambouie are just lovely.

Is this the reason
The title of Timothy Olyphant's new show was changed from "Lawman" to "Justified"? If so, that sucks.

Oh shit, the Bob Dylan song. I've listened to that a million times, it's spot on.

I love any damn scene in Shoot em Up, especially the opening, which culminates in death by carrot.

One of the most amusing moments
Was Arthur struggling to maintain a smiley face during Christine's confession, then shouting "Stupid fucking cunt!" as soon as he got in the car.

Eve 6, to clarify

So in a few years
Will there be a one hit wonder band called Tyler 3?

I meant that it felt more like they had watched GK and based their dialogue on imitating that rather than being actually realistic.

"Hitman Actual"
"We're oscar mike in pursuit of hajis."

Oops, that was just a simple typo, though as egregious as my triple post.

On a somewhat unrelated note
Does anyone else think that Josh Radnor looks a lot like Paul Simon circle graceland?

On a somewhat unrelated note
Does anyone else think that Josh Radnor looks a lot like Paul Simon circle graceland?

On a somewhat unrelated note
Does anyone else think that Josh Radnor looks a lot like Paul Simon circle graceland?

Frankie Faison
I think he was in some HBO show I saw onceā€¦

Why would you ever have loyalty to David Goyer?

Fantastic Mr. Fox
Nice to see he's a cast member of Antichrist. Playing against type I suppose.

Damn, Heisler, where's your hipster douchebag cred? Get your priorities straight.

Living in a shitty town makes your work terribly. At least we are home to the actual Merriweather Post Pavilion, hipster douchebag mecca.

Boring-ass mallrats from Columbia who turn to shitty vodka and weed to numb the existential pain.

Boring-ass mallrats from Columbia who turn to shitty vodka to dull the boredom.