Star Wars Part VIII: Vader Takes Manhattan
Star Wars Part VIII: Vader Takes Manhattan
Whoops, yep, typo.
It's tied with Beasts of the Southern Wild as my favorite movie of 2012.
This news is so awesome I can barely process it.
Yeah, really! Rememer when he was the overlooked, underappreciated Mr. Show guy?
I want it to be a straight, 3 camera sitcom about Saul managing a Cinnabon in Omaha for 6 episodes, until out of nowhere a gun gets pointed at Saul's head and the camera reveals feral, bearded Jesse, at which point it switches on a dime back to single camera Breaking Bad-style again.
Sev'n burr'ls
Coming this fall, Sally and Roger Solve Crimes for Some Awesome Reason
I'll get the bleach.
There's Boardwalk Empire., really, it's really good. Screw the naysayers.
Don't drink and drive. But if you do, call me!
Late 90s, recently back after a year commenting sabbatical.
Man, @avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus 's name is going to be so confusing to new readers from now on…
Remember the hacylon days of 3 years ago, when "news about a new Batman movie" was an exciting phrase?
They…do review the big blockbusters too, last time I checked
(this criticism is slightly more valid when it comes to the music section)
Thirded. I know he's had personal problems, but he was just so, so good as Xander. I miss watching him act terribly.
Heh, take it from a native, that's pure Scranton right there.
I've always hated the 'women's suit' gag. Say what you want about Michael Scott, the man is a sharp dresser.
I'm not talking as a character, I'm saying as a ruler.
Or do you pick your President based on whether or not you'd like to have a beer with them?