
I don't care if he's a religious fanatic or a bug, Stannis is the only one willing to put his own selfish desires to rule on hold to go and face the actual massive army that's threatening the realm. He absolutely 150% deserves to rule
(and am I the only one that thinks that the showrunners like Stannis a lot more than

#14 will BLOW YOUR MIND.

Um, because he likes food?

Huh. I remember the line but I didn't take it that way. Well, cool.

Also gotta give it up to Paranorman for having an openly gay character in a children's movie.

Absolutely. Damn kids, with their rock & roll music & their poodle skirts. BAH!

Molly Lambert from Grantland (who has written some silly stuff but whose Mad Men reviews have been stellar) adored it.

There have been some dead ends, but that would be one HUGE plot point to abandon.

Nope, that's why it's broken :(

There's no way they aren't bringing in Stoneheart. They're messing with us. This isn't Strong Belwas, where they can transfer that dialogue to someone else. This is going to be a HUGE part of the end of the story.

Seconded. It ruled. And wow, a lot of full-on animal lust in the subplot for a kids' movie, huh??

That was such a great finale : )

Maybe. But if that's the case what did the "Time Enough at Last" guy do??


Agreed. Seeing the clouds from the wrong side will never not be a miracle to me.
I definitely get a sinking feeling and start hearing "Peggy Sue" in my head right before the plane lands, though.

I'm not the only one that thinks that the monster in that picture looks like it should be singing lead for Sweet or Mott the Hoople, am I?

"Your taste buds can't repel flavor of that magnitude!!!"

The Million Dollar Baby/DirecTV sketch made me laugh as hard as any sketch in the past decade. Just a savagely awesome takedown of that whole awful concept.

A superhero movie about a GIRL??? What in the wha?!

No stopping until Rick & Carl have matching salt-&-pepper beards.