Stupid single-headed Jared Leto playing a FICTIONAL CHARACTER that's NOT EXACTLY like how he really is.
Stupid single-headed Jared Leto playing a FICTIONAL CHARACTER that's NOT EXACTLY like how he really is.
Speed 2 is the only competition Van Helsing has for the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater.
So the whole season is Patsy from 12 Years a Slave's fever dream?
Yeah? Well I'm taller.
So it's basically The Onion's photo-only jokes, stretched out to an entire website?
Thanks Sean, I really needed to start laughing like an absolute lunatic at my desk thanks to your SeDory Weaver photo. You're going to get me fired, man!
Diary is phenomenal, but even at his best solo Ozzy is only as good as mid-level Sabbath. It can't even touch Master of Reality.
The show went out of the way to say that Bruno is not a true scientist and he was just lucky in being correct about a few things. What the show is outraged about is his inability in that society to think about the universe in a different way.
Mine was bummed that it wasn't a real place.
Watching this with my 7 year-old daughter and seeing her really understand a lot of it has been a weekly joy for me. I really, really hope that they make more.
Hey guys. Long time no talk.
I thought she was with Bob & Sasha, but I guess that was Maggie. This could work.
This is right where she died in the book. Only there a bullet got her, so it was quick.
And banished the other one.
He did grenade the holy living fuck out of Sgt. Toye's tank.
Which leads to the inevitable response, if you think this is a C show for TV in general, why are you still watching?!
Also A-. Genuinely horrifying.
A Movie Set In Scandinavia Should Have More Ethnic Roles To Appease People That Need Everything To Be Diverse For No Good Reason: The Movie!
So? The ending? Do they go there?