
He's a one-man Plan B

Also, The Bling Ring wasn't satire? I didn't see Friends With Money but I've understood that was pretty satirical as well.

Can't wait to see that Spader/Downey Jr. rematch in 2 years!

"So yeah, it's not sexist, it's just that A.A. Dowd is kind of a dick."

She drank whatever magical elixir Paul Rudd & Joan Jett got their hands on.

I really, really don't like Lena Dunham, and I don't know this director's work enough to comment (though I will see this just for Gandalfini & Dreyfuss), but I think Sofia Coppola is an awesome director. I just like her voice a lot more than Dunham, who really does come off as smug & entitled, whereas Coppola seems at

8. Manly human men who keep them dwelling below the Earth's surface (Jesus, how do I actually remember that South Park plot?!)

"Nicole Holofcener & Sofia Coppola need to stop talking about rich people problems!

THANK you!!!

I know I'm really in the minority here, but I really liked Iron Man 2 especially on repeat viewings. The whole cast is awesome & it actually go into the underside of Stark's alcoholism. The only problem was the same problem as the first one, a boss battle that was boring & over way too fast.

Still one of the most awesome videos ever.

802 minutes until Breaking Bad BUT WHO'S COUNTING???

Getting into some danger…Carlos Danger! (DANGAH!!! DANGAH!!!)

Kurt Cobain reallt did check out at just the right time, didn't he? Right before the teeth started to go.

Wasn't 1993 the height of the Weinstein-ocalypse?

Reading you user name in Daffy Duck's voice just gave me a minor laughing fit at work. Thanks a lot.

Supposedly there's been a movie languishing in pre-production for awhile that would show that Vorenus did indeed live.

If by "his brother Joaquin" you mean "absolutely anyone other than Shia LaBouf," I agree with you.

I lost a little coffee through my nose from the Aaragorn picture.