
I am the one who asks his wife for this as a Christmas present!!!

Honestly, I was worried that Inglorious Basterds was going to be his Oscar-grab movie as soon as I heard it was about WWII, but it turned into the opposite of that to the degree that it solidified my Tarantino-love forever. Viva never giving in an inch, content-wise, to win an award!

I was thinking Smashing Pumpkins at their gothiest.

Wow, I really almost did a spit-take. Well-done.

Yeah, but that was 8-10 years earlier.


Nah, Walt wouldn't be coming back to the ABQ for that. They would be way out of town again by a year later.

And he was being completely sincere too. He was so offended by the very idea. Jesse may try to kill him, but turn him in? Never.

The ricin is for Walt. He exacts his revenge & quietly dies in police custody.

What's On Tonight? Last night's Breaking Bad, about 6 more times, that's what's fucking on tonight.

Fuck those fucking Nazis in their fucking asses. Go ahead & flag me.

Haven't heard a "bitch!" all year & now we get like 4 in 2 minutes. Huzzah, BITCH!!!!!

You gotta hand it to the writers, they found the one way to make Walt sympathetic: A flash-forward climax of him killin' some fuckin' Nazis.

Apparently the only one who doesn't underrate Jesse is Saul. I nearly burst into applause when he told Walt that Jesse's not as dumb as he thinks.

"Don't drink and drive, but if you do, call me!" Greatest Saul line ever, and that's fucking saying something.

It's in the garbage can. Marie just found it.

Holy fucking shitting Christ BREAKING MOTHERFUCKING BAD!!!!

And did you hear "Oh, Sherrie" playing during the opening sequence?

I think he will, just to subvert expectations. Gomie's dead meat, though.