
Based on the headline, I thought we were back to Chloe Sevigny's drunken tirade after Keith roofied up her champagne before interviewing her about Big Love.

I guess the concierge jobs are paying the bills anymore. Sad.

Did Maguire conceive the tale as a series, or just continue the story after Wicked became a big hit? Anyone know?

I've read Wicked three times. The first time I loved it. The second time I hated it, and the third time I enjoyed reading it, but as soon as I was done thought it was terrible. I found the whole thing oddly sex-obsessed for no apparent reason. One kid gets his first boner when he sees women rubbing lard on Liir's

You take that back!

That's exactly what I was thinking. They were running of money in New York and kept expecting Kermit to lead them. Kermit finally snapped and blew up at everyone. It was really upsetting. They'd never fought like that before.

Ah, it all makes sense now! Wasn't aware of the junket angle. Your Karen Sisco mea culpa above is duly noted and appreciated. Rock on.

Is there a second page missing, or did you seriously give us two paragraphs about hair loss jokes in Alligator without asking him about Medium Cool or Goliath Awaits? Or even Karen Sisco?

Nice Community joke, there, O'Neal.

I loved her show before the shark-jumping Tom Selleck interview (which sadly didn't feature any actual sharks or jumping). I don't think the Tom Cruise crush was faked. She repeatedly said it was non-sexual: "I just want him to live in my house, wear an Armani suit, and bring me things." Remember, this was when Tom

McGee, did you ever see Rosie's talk show in the 90s? How does this compare?

Internet, eh?

And she paints houses in the summer!

They'll be flattered, not honored.

I thought there would be character crossovers between the three MacFarlane shows, so I got suckered into Cleveland. It was actually pretty good (for The Cleveland Show). Like FG, it was a bottle episode, so we didn't have to deal with any of the Stoolbend townsfolk. And it focused a lot on Cleveland Jr., the only

I'm probably gonna feel really stupid once I find out, but what's the sexiest phone hacking story of the year? Please use as many AVC memes as possible in your answer.

Where ya been, Homer? The whole steel industry is gay. Railroads, too. Ya know what else?

I think it was in reference to the older brother's Halloween costume. The original line was something like "No, you can't go as a terrorist for Halloween." They changed terrorist to hippy. I think it was Ebert who pointed out that this didn't make sense, since his mom was a hippy. And it was Cartman who pointed out

I just finished the book. It's pretty much destroyed me. Well done.

This has been super-fun - great work, Meredith!