
Williams or Jim Carrey. Starring in a non-comedy about a beaver puppet is the perfect opportunity to show off what serious actors they are.

One of my biggest pet peeves in film is when a character is so quirky he acquires a following and national recognition. A suicidally depressed man becomes happier when talking through a beaver puppet. This would inspire conversations about his sanity that would end with the words, "As long as he isn't hurting anyone I

Mel's German accent is impeccable. The problem is that he can only speak with it when reciting passages from Mein Kampf.

Amelie should come back to TVClub for the ANTM All-Star season. The world demands this.

Not really. I caught a few eps on Nick at Nite a few years ago and was amazed at how calculated it all seemed. I wasn't in high school yet when the show aired, so I was young enough to mistake all of the obvious stereotypes for actual characters.* I was actually embarrassed for the show when I re-watched it as an

That was fucking hilarious. The guy crying in a phone booth and sobbing about this isn't just television, it's REAL LIFE!

I vividly remember that "on me/on you" line.

Jean Doumanian and Denny Dillon.

Joe McGinnis and Jeffrey MacDonald
This same issue came up when Joe McGinnis published the book Fatal Vision, about Green Beret Jeffrey MacDonald, who was convicted of murdering his wife and daughters. MacDonald was shocked that, after his full cooperation and what he perceived as a close friendship with McGinniss,

I'm pretty much with thecarsonmccullers on this one. If the stories had been that Arnold and/or Jesse had done this to different kids one-on-one, the allegations would be much more believable. But when you hear about large-scale abuse (like the leap-frog thing) happening out in the open, it just doesn't sound

Carrie TV re-make
It wasn't a mini-series, just an unusually long (three broadcast hours) made-for-TV movie.

I've heard that a Blu-ray and/or DVD release of the laserdisc cut is in the works. (That's all I know on the subject.)

Fun Fact: Brent Spiner played John Adams in the 1997 Broadway revival*
A lot of my fellow show queens love this movie because of its faithfulness to the stage musical, but I agree with Rabes that it actually hurt the film. That "Lees of Old Virginia" scene bothered the hell out of me - I can see how the number would

in retrospect
Norm is so much hotter than Eric. And look how cute his butt is!

That's what happens when Noel doesn't contribute
"What's the Use of Wond'rin'" from the musical Carousel is heartbreaking:
"Common sense may tell you
That the ending will be sad
And now's the time to break and run away.

He's your fella and you love him
There's nothing more to say"


Just like Roscoe
Thank for referring to Ruth Buzzi as "inevitable."

Did Diamond self-publish something like this before? A lot of what you're talking about sounds very familiar, like he spilled it all a long time ago.

was this the episode?
with the Julie-Heather/Heather-Julie dictionary? The way the two of them played off of each other was always fun to watch.

I love that song. Reminds me of elephants.