
It's the second song. The first is the title number, which establishes Chrystal, Ronnette, and Chiffon as the Greek chorus.

Yeah… those jokes are the reason a lot of us fucking hate Eddie Murphy.

I renew my objection to this pointless endeavor, informally now and by affidavit later. Time permitting.

Annyong wasn't eventually revealed to mean "Hello," it was subtitled the first time the kid said it. Thank you for allowing the opportunity to correct you.

Fuck you, Jew!

Excellent piece of criticism. Young man, I tip my bonnet to you!

Alanis Morissette, at the World outside of Chicago. She stopped in the middle of one of her biggest songs (I think it was "Ironic") and sang "There Are Worse Things I Could Do" from Grease. Then she picked the first song up right she left off. It was pretty awesome.

I pretty much agree with franklinshepard, though I do enjoy the 1985 concert recording, despite its many flaws. There is a making-of documentary on that concert (called Follies in Concert) that was my introduction to the score. The original cast recording is essential. In addition to McMartin, the performances by

The original FOLLIES book is wonderful, and the changes have significantly weakened the show. What they've done is sacrifice detail for clarity, when clarity was never the point of Follies. I saw it at Chicago Shakes too and appear to be the only person who was completely unmoved by it. The book they used was closest

As soon as I saw the title of this Inventory, I figured it was prompted by Zero Dark Thirty… unless the Inventory had to be altered at the last minute due to unforeseen historical events!

I adore this AVQ&A. I won't call myself a musical theatre nerd, I'm closer to one of those unbearable amateur experts who jumps into any conversation to correct people on the proper use of the word "soundtrack" (which I've done at least once above). What can I say, I loves me some show tunes. I'll do my best not to

Another Hellzapoppin fan!?!? Sir, I tip my bonnet to you!

Not Melba Moore either. The soloist is Renn Woods (I did have to look it up. I don't think she does anything else in the movie.

The opening sequence of Titanic is brilliant, as you can hear on the cast recording. Not the soundtrack. -1.

Did anyone else have a knee-jerk reaction to correction the use of the word "soundtrack" when it appeared in the same sentence as "Stephen Sondheim"?

I've seen this a few times and I kind of love it. From what I understand, it was meant to be an indictment of the Hoover administration, with a Republican president willing to call in the troops against protesters (like Hoover did with the Bonus Army). But Louis B. Mayer, a staunch Republican, sat on the film until

I've seen this a few times and I kind of love it. From what I understand, it was meant to be an indictment of the Hoover administration, with a Republican president willing to call in the troops against protesters (like Hoover did with the Bonus Army). But Louis B. Mayer, a staunch Republican, sat on the film until

Eep. Didn't read that too carefully. I thought you were referring to the Sondheim: A Celebration at Carnegie Hall concert. Sorry!

Eep. Didn't read that too carefully. I thought you were referring to the Sondheim: A Celebration at Carnegie Hall concert. Sorry!

I hope the idea of Sondheim writing the book is part of the joke. If not, I am so sneering at your ignorance. Especially since the obvious choice is Harvey Fierstein.