
Go back to season 2 and watch Lincoln Lover, where Stan joins the Log Cabin Republicans.

well done, Noel
Great piece, Noel. Makes me want to revisit some of these over the weekend. And thanks for pointing out the contributions of Comden & Green to the genre. I think they get overlooked too often, with so much of the creditn going to Kelly and Donen.

mmmm….. sympathy tea…..
Minnelli perfectly captures the pain of adolescence in Tea and Sympathy, particularly in the scene where John Kerr gets a lesson in how to be butch. But I have to say that I like the fact that he's straight in the movie (I haven't read the play, so I don't know how they differ). On the one

That's not art from the show, it's from a spread in Vogue.

@ Flaubert, I was quoting the musical Candide.

resident show queen bitching
February 7th wasn't the originally-scheduled opening date. That was December 21st.

The villain Arachne creates a city-wide blackout. Therefore, hence, wherefore and ergo, Spider-Man must "Turn Off the Dark." Because she turned off the lights.

suggested names?
Eau de Vagi-Gaga

I am most disturbed
by the phrase "true believer in Willow Smith."

"Mortals be trippin, yo!"

Nice, SKMDC!

@Miller: And he's been drinking!

Pulling a Milk?
You're aware that other homosexuals have run for office since the late 1970s, right? Not just the one who got murdered?

wait what?
Chloe Sevigny has a reputation as a fashionista? I suppose that's what you get for appeating in populist fare like Boys Don't Cry and Shattered Glass.

Did you mean Madea? I hope not.

Pinkie, ftw.

Are we still saying Fuck you, Jew?
Because I'd like to get mine in early.

Does this mean you didn't like my first draft of $#*! My Dad Sings!?

Thanks a fucking lot, Cmndr, now I'm gonna have "Out for Blood" stuck in my head all day.

Fran, it's me.
Just a heads-up…