
From my count, this is the third time The Simpsons have drawn from the American Idol well:

Close enough?

It's even sadder that she kept that haircut for the next 30 years.

I loves scenes of characters singing in non-musicals.
magnola, when every character is listening to "Wise Up" on the radio and quietly singing along to him/herself.

the unanswered question
Do you consider seeing an ep of MST3K the same as seeing the movie?

Any suggestions?
We need to define The Pearl Bailey Surprise and force into the lexicon immediately.

"It's a boy and a girl and they're talking about …a herd of wild ponies galloping across the plains."

I was in college when the show debuted, so I didn't think of Daria and Jane as role models so much as fellow travellers.

The only thing about the panties joke that bothered me is that Stan implied that he wears boxers on earth. He sleeps in briefs and wears the America Thong when he wants to be sexy for one of his wives, but have we ever seen him wear boxers?

"Haven't we stood in five different states long enough?"

I've found that I laugh a lot more at AD when I haven't been worn down by Cleveland and FG.

I read it in one of Blanche Knott's Trule Tasteless Jokes books. I was surprised that there was no reference to those on FG.

Jerry sired the girlfriend first and then locked Charlie in a room with her and a stake. It may as well have been an initiation ceremony into the club.

It was called "Black Mystery Month" and the episode was a take-off on The Da Vinci Code. Steve found out that George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter, but was credited with doing so for the sake of civil rights. I've never thought it was offensive, but to each his own.

Don't care about the casting
as long as the remake retains the original's Gays are evil and want to recruit you subtext. It's true, but you still shouldn't say it.

The reveal only bothered me because the show is so damn loony that I bought everything that happened, until Klaus got killed. Makes me wonder if the network blanched at the original cut and the ending was added.

love that Junior
I like the way they're developing Rallo awa from being a Stewie clone, but Junior is the show's best character. His complete ignorance of homosexuality and the way it made him giggle just killed me. Granted, Bill and Boomhauer had the same reaction when they went to a gay rodeo, but still.

So is the unrelentingly hateful tone of your post supposed to be ironic?

I agree. I know the show can be misanthropic, but Peter and Lois were downright hateful tonight. I love seeing Brian taken down a peg, but saying he's not part of the family and that they don't really care if he lives or dies was just mean.

Idiotking, you just described Cary Elwes. Yargh.