
Thanks for the pic, but why isn't she wearing her glasses?

But who's gonna cover the final two episodes of My So-Called Life?
I still remember ther first Hater I ever read, when Demi Moore finally got her knees lifted. And I'll continue to assume you look like Audrey Tatou with hipster glasses worn ironically. Best of luck. Rodolfo shall miss you.

I'm gonna say "Ouch," for Madonna.

I'm almost positive David Spade was in the Natalie Goes to New York episode. I think he was the sarcastic blond guy.

it's been done
Their high school musical looked a lot like Carrie.

I'm sure his mama is happy
that he mentioned the hat first.

When he was younger, that ass was spectacular.

On the Waterfront is all kinds of awesome, even if Kazan made it as an excuse for ratting out his friends to HUAC.

from what I've heard
Brando always packed one hell of a basket.

I'm not completely sure about this one
…but what about Looking for Mr. Goodbar?

no action
I saw this movie with the hottest date of my life. An ex-Marine. And I got no action. I blame the movie. How else could one resist the siren song of Rodolfo?

Or even Lauer'd Stern.

If he bottomed for the host of the Today show, he'd be Laurer'd Stern.

the sounds of silence
I only saw part of the pilot, but when the Young Idealistic Guy began a speech with, "Four years of med school…" they lost me. And it had the same problem I find in most CBS dramas: long, dialogue-free moments of the camera panning from face to face. Nothing happens, but everyone looks very

I just hope it's on the label.
Perez Hilton: A suitably fruity concoction that goes down a little too easily.

you got it backwards
I've been to midnight screenings of Can't Stop the Music and Xanadu. Can't Stop the Music was two and a half hours of camp heaven that flew. Xanadu was a 90-minute torture device that dragged on forever.

Don't count out the Broadway musical based on Xanadu.

all kinds of awesome
Saw this at the Music Box earlier this year. No one slowly loses his mind like Mason.

or something like that
The killer is going to be Skeet Ulrich's illegitimate child with Sydney's mother.

This isn't a reboot, it's another sequel. A reboot would be a remake of Scream.