
Talent or no, I want Gerard Butler to be my assclown. Or do I want to be his? Hmmmm…

the title's not an allusion to Kiss Me Deadly? Bummer.

The apologia was inspired. "It's a new kind of coffee, called Chock Full O'Booze."

sad to say…
When I saw the preview, I thought it looked like it couldbe good but assumed it would suck I wanted to be wrong. I really did.

I'd like to suggest "Put on a Happy Face," aka the Hair Bump episode of MTM. It's kind of a victory for the Rhodas of the world to see that even the Marys can have a rotten day. And it's got Ida Morgenstern and the Teddy Awards.

US weekly leaves me far less confused.
A copy of the magazine Star at its center, or a copy of the Gertrude Lawrence biopic Star! at its center?

I'll give them this much…
Watching people do anything online without masturbating does not make for interesting TV, but the way the cold open was filmed was one of the better executions of that kind of scene.

Even with the line about paper thin walls, I still didn't think they were arguing loudly enough to get the attention of a neighbor. Same with 13 and Taub in the later scene.

I wish I wish
I wish that my dick would get bigger every time someone on the highest-rated news network refers to the "mainstream media," as if that doesn't include them.

Twice the Danielle Brisbois equals twice the fun!!!
Danielle Brisbois was in the original cast of Annie and is on the album that Jay-Z sampled. So she's in two songs on this album. That's one more than Britney. And two more than Aileen Quinn.

Don't call people fags, you asshole.

Now say "nuclear wessel."

Drunken Christian Mailman is fucking hot.

and Jesus gets crucified

For all the good in this movie - and there's a lot of good - I found it just endless. Possibly even relentless. By the end, I just wanted it to be over.

that photo
is just scary

Stan's Nirvana?
I loved AD! this week. Yes, the b-story was mostly terrible, but the utter bizarrity of Stan v. Cyborg Stan was beyond awesome.

Veda is only about 16 at the beginning of the story. Mildred could easily have had her at the age of 18.

cum jokes are all well and good
But will there be songs?

It's true. Love *Is* Nice.