
I disagree. Maybe it's because it's French or because it's old, but Belmondo is so cool. Gere oscillates between spaz and self-absorbed poser.

Days of Heaven and Thin Red Line should play in waiting rooms with the sound off. They're beautifully shot, but that's about it. Who was it that said the grass in Red Line should get a best supporting actor nomination?

The Night Porter sucks ass. Not even Rampling's sex appeal make it bearable. My impression at the credits was, "Why was this made?"

It's sentimental romance, but IMO his best early work was in An Officer and a Gentleman.

Thus my pig in slippers comment. Because, as anyone familiar with the Criterion Collection will tell you, a piece of shit can be made shiny with enough polish. Just get a few self-stroking film theorists to write an essay on a movie and all of a sudden it's "underappreciated" or "worthy of reconsideration".

Good writing wasted
This is a good critique, but I'm afraid it's wasted. Giving any more than a few paragraphs to Breathless is like the old proverbial pig in slippers. Gere is a clown. His scene-chewing, cocky swagger isn't good acting, it's on par with Tom Cruise in Top Gun. And this isn't unique to Breathless.

First Wave on SiriusXM plays the shit out of JJ. I've heard a few really good songs I'd never even heard of. Satellite radio is the tits.

Welcome to Planet Earth
While I'm in favor of anything that exposes Scientology for the shitbox it is, I can't quite support someone who was stupid enough to fall for it to begin with. "Haggis tells all!" Well fuck you Haggis. Fuck you for failing to grasp the stupidity of Scientology the first time around. How

If your right eye is gone aim with your left
Precocious child? CHECK
Wooden delivery of improbable dialog? CHECK
Quirky/strange Coen-style interludes? CHECK
Jeff Bridges updating The Dude? CHECK

mmm, boots
Funny movie. That scene with that broad pulling up her boots alone is worth the price of admission.

Is Thora under 18?

who cares?
Can someone explain to me again why Twitter isn't a moronic waste of time and energy?

Zack Galifinaianiks is tops on my list!

The Big Country
I would argue The Big Country is closer to a paeon to the suburbs (and middle America) than Flowers. As stated in the article, (Nothing but) Flowers isn't about the suburbs, it's about consumerism.

Who's that cheesedick in the picture? He's just a Bently and bottle of Cristal away from a shitty rap video.

Humor is subjective, blah, blah, blah but how can anyone think Kevin McDonald is funny? He's in the Rob Corddry realm of over-delivered, manic, twitching, aggressively bad unfunny. The only funny skit KM did was the one where he talked about all the hate mail he gets for being so unfunny.

Ah, Kevin McDonald, the Terry Jones of The Kids in the Hall (i.e. the not funny one).

Why doesn't Madea ever teach the values of some good churchin' to some white folks?

First, there isn't enough HD content on Netflix. Second, the HD streaming quality is hit and miss. I use PS3 WiFi and have had only one positive experience with streaming an HD movie. Even then it was a lot closer to DVD quality than Blu-ray. SD programs are fine.

No more discs
And we're one step closer to the Netflix goal: no physical media. And that really sucks because, as anyone who has watched streaming movies on an HDTV will tell you, streaming content to an HDTV really sucks—low bitrate, compression artifacts, 1.33 aspect ratio, non-surround sound, etc.