
Educate me: Aside from Regina, is anyone else aware that they can practically sacrifice Rumps to save Henry? Since Baelfire perceives Rump as a threat to Henry, I'd think a Dark One death is the most straightforward plan. Since this is "Lost", they can just resurrect him later. Alternate Timeline Rumple.

Now that we've found Sara, any chance we can lose Laurel?

Who said feelings make sense? You've clearly never had a girlfriend. Anyway, I dunno if he's seen those episodes. I don't memorize the racist ones vs the sexist ones vs the homophobic ones…. Way to recall though.

Good to hear. I stopped watching after Season 3. 1-3 were great.

Gang has an idea, gang fails in execution due to narcissism stupidity greed & competitiveness. Rinse. Repeat. Occasionally repeat in blackface. Three seasons was my limit. Glad to see I haven't missed anything "new".

Everyone finds *something* offensive. This was just AlecHarrison's thing. He's allowed to have a sense of humor about the other 99% of Sunny's jokes.

I don't understand Diane's motivation to rat Alicia out to Will? 1) Will was forcing Diane out of the firm. 2) Her actions would jeopardize the SC appt & Diane's new slower-paced life w/ hubby.
Will & Diane have history but… I didn't buy it as more than a plot device. She acted the hell outta that scene though!

I have zero personal experience with Aspergers and am always curious how realistic Max's scenarios are written. Seems that Max is rooted in absolutes. Understandable he'd miss social cues or nuance, so I wasn't surprised he'd take a crying girl's photo. I was surprised his parents haven't had the "No means No"

Elijah!!! So glad you're back. Let the backdoor dealings begin. Davina is going to lose her naive little mind between machinations of Klaus, Elijah and Marcel.

Elijah!!! Forever on ice.

Stop putting Elijah on ice, it's enough already.

Resurrections, sandman and 4 horsemen… are all plausible in a world of magic.

- Klaus is to Elijah as Damon was to Stephan in early seasons.
- Like JR to Bobby Ewing.  
—Stephan felt guilty & responsible for his psychotic unlovable brother b/c he forced Damon to turn. 
—Elijah felt guilty & responsible for his psychotic unlovable brother b/c he didn't stop daddy from whoopin' dat ass (or rejecting

Sexting = First World Problems. As the viewer, I'm supposed to find this storyline interesting b/c her dad is infamous?

They can drop the teenage angst. The only thing interesting about Dana is that her dad is/was a terrorist. Otherwise, she's every other cutter, anorexic, sulky, first-world problems teenager.

Explain Bello's loyalty to Odin, when Odin is the one who introduced him to Mike? Bello conveniently overlooks the fact Odin introduced him to an FBI agent. Makes no connection Odin may be an agent himself.  
I understand the show is currently centered around increasingly outrageous "close calls" for Briggs/Odin. Just

The one black cast member that's not a drug dealer, is a deadbeat dad.

Charlie & Will discussing anything, even something as inane as the folly of meeting with a gossip columnist, is entertaining.

Either the redhead widow or someone I made up. Either way, more interesting than Sam.

Merlotte's should become Lafayette's.