
There is a reddit community with thousands of followers dedicated to getting Brendan Fraser more work.

All this time I thought that actress was Jessica Chastain.

I liked the symmetry of Dolores assisting in suicide both Arnold and Ford execution style.

When Barry chose to sacrifice himself, I thought he might speedster away before the team could stop him.
He walked so slow, damn near went backwards.
Barry: Here I go. I'm turning myself over to the aliens. See if you can stop me…… You guys?

The Wally angst is a drag. I'm sick of hearing about his powers and his insecurities.

The show ventured to scenic Malibu yet that Best Buy shirt was the most impressive shot.

I needed Damon and hot Brit to blood-kiss over Whitmore's dead body.

A twenty year old spooning with a 13 year old is never not creepy.

C- season, C finale
The Pregnancy, The Star-Crossed Lovers, The Brody Cockroach Phenomenon… all made the finale drag.

They blew an opportunity to leave Henry in Pan's body. Robbie Kay would have nailed the plant-watering scene. Gilmore's wooden acting makes every scene worse.

Note to well-meaning American travelers: Don't Make It Rain soda & candy in developing nations. The children can't afford dental care. Hand out school supplies & if you insist on food, nuts or dried fruit.

This show is so disjointed, we'd do better to grade individual scenes:
1. Mellie/Cyrus A
2. Cyrus/James A
3. Sally/Cyrus, Sally/Crazy Eyes A-
4. Sally/Fitz B+
5. Everyone Else Avg D+

Looking forward to the episode where Dorian gets hacked, hunts Kennex and nearly destroys the agency in a ballistic meltdown. McGruff has a soft spot by then; refuses to kill his "synthetic" partner.

Klaus whining about betrayal to siblings/Cami is wearing thin.

Did anyone vote to run the horseman through a wood chipper? Mail the pieces to far-flung locales? I'm only a few min in…. just curious.
Update: Got it. Interrogation & secrets needs to Happen Yo!

Thanks to the writers, Will has become a caricature of an alpha male. It's 10x more fun watching Alicia go maverick than Will.

Stray observations:
- Phil did not include sufficient stray observations.
- LadyBad shirks usual tight leather jacket & clingy shirts to lounge about in kevlar.
- Dylan takes a step, proving Toni won't kill his wife before he can "take another step".
- NSA & Chief of Staff aren't secret lovers, proving this show has no

I love Sesame Street. The writing is so much better.

Elijah is The Godfather!!
- He kills anyone that fucks with La Famiglia.
- His word is bond.
- He wears a damn suit to chill at the house; all business all the time.

I dunno why a true fan was down-voted. I watch for the AV comments; Carton's was the funniest yet.
Invite more of your people to the board please, sir.