Tesla of the dUrbervilles

Did we make fun of the Chanel boomerang yet?

When it starts to become relevant to point out to the Trumpeteers how his policies/lack of policies are completely failing them or making their lives worse, I wonder if they may be so brainwashed with anti-media sentiments that they're going to deny the truths when the media points it out, or if the media is just

Which is why they backed ol' Trumpy. Rooting for him is the same as rooting for a sports team, they feel like they can take on his successes as their own without having to accept any responsibilities for his failures, or for their own.

Years ago Anne Rice a) practically invented the modern romantic vampire genre, and b) also wrote erotic fiction under two different pseudonyms (some of which was BDSM). All she got was a lousy comedic/anti-erotic movie of Exit to Eden starring Rosie O'Donnell. So I suppose the release of "serious" erotic movie based

Daydream sounded so new and different back in '88 (and EVOL too before it) but their influence on modern music became so widespread, that at this point, I don't see that album, nor even necessarily most of their efforts, as particularly difficult/menacing/daunting at all. The SYR projects, yes — Silver Sound is almost

I like both of those too. It's always seemed to me as if Washing Machine was a reflection on and coalescing of everything they'd done up to that point, and comes across almost like a new, simpler, more concise version of Daydream Nation. "The Diamond Sea" alone, ah, so good.

With Mummenschanz! Ventriloquist Jeff Dunham! And Lady Gaga!

She's not pregnant. How rude. Now you're going to make her all self-conscious.

Wait, David Cross isn't in this? Well then forget it!

If it's rapey, it must be Lifetime.

Whereas their early work is built around the conceptual sampling of educational films and classroom sounds to explore the memories of childhood, it's as if this album is the soundtrack/source material for the sampled music from the educational films of their early work. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into it. I

I first read the headline as "…starring Hannibal Lecter" and thought, isn't there already one Hannibal Lecter show in the works?

I first read the headline as "…starring Hannibal Lecter" and thought, isn't there already one Hannibal Lecter show in the works?

Well, here's a remake exactly no one was asking for.

Well, here's a remake exactly no one was asking for.

We'd like to see the oven where the gluten is raised.

We'd like to see the oven where the gluten is raised.

The 1996 version of Island of Dr. Moreau, which was one of those title sequences mentioned in every article about how title sequences were back, back then. Though I guess the dwarf and morbidly obese Marlon Brando were kind of memorable too.

The 1996 version of Island of Dr. Moreau, which was one of those title sequences mentioned in every article about how title sequences were back, back then. Though I guess the dwarf and morbidly obese Marlon Brando were kind of memorable too.

Later there'd also be a documentary about what an epic failure the entire undertaking was.