
Stuff em' all, I'm watching for Thomas, and he got to be heroic.

Did Hercules have an evil gay footman with a possible redemptive arc?  I mean if it did, maybe I'll watch it on Netflix.  So far, I've only got the one.  And he is MAGIC.


I agree, it didn't make sense that he didn't take O'Brien seriously, knowing what she is.  But I do think it makes total sense that he wasn't down with trying to make Alfred a valet.  I mean I was on his side on that one- the kid doesn't even know his spoons yet and he's supposed to be a valet just like that when it

Hmm.  Well, it was all over Alfred, who she clearly has a greater loyalty to.

Thomas drinks from another teacup, Daisy.

When I first started watching Downton, I thought he WAS the guy who played young Tom Riddle. 

Looked especially gorgeous in that scene outside Bates' cottage.  Yowsah.

No question.

From what I've read about the real houses like Downton, no one upstairs would probably have ever met Daisy.

Hence forth, I shall only refer to her as Edith Crawley: Girl Journalist!.  The exclamation is always included.

Let's not get crazy.  I just need the end of the series to feature Thomas managing a jazz club while Jimmy serves drinks.  Carson opens his mind and goes back to his Cheerful Charlie roots to host a cabaret show.  Is that too much to ask?

Maybe by saying Thomas didn't "choose to be the way he is", he meant, "Obviously, it's demons.  You know, like epilepsy."

My dad, who has a terrible limp, has decided he needs to walk around in circles at Murder Prison to cure it.

I feel like if they'd directed the bad-touches scenes differently, they wouldn't have come off soooo creepy and lecherous.  At least do the clock-winding scene without that shoulder fondling with the Bond-villain glove.  He could've made passes that were much more subtle.

Btw- I just got hooked on Up Yours, Downstairs and I looove it.  I kept thinking of Thomas's "erotic pen pal" at work and cracking up like a loony.

Sweet.  Let's make t-shirts.  That's way more fun than "free Bates."

I'm going to get my button box.

I still think there's a chance Jimmy might be gay (scared and in the closet), or that Fellowes hasn't decided yet, so he kept it ambiguous.  They call him a lady's man, but you don't see him showing any real interest in any of the girls -outside of his obvious "red-blooded man"-"hey dudes, I'm totes straight" comment.

It all felt very 21st century BUT there was a gay subculture in the 20's in England (drag balls even) even though sodomy itself was illegal so…  I dunno.  Tell me if I'm talking out of my ass.  I like to learn.
But that Eton line!  How I loved that Eton line.  I like to imagine Robert's time in school was like E.M.