
Agreed.  Bates' martyr-complex is exhausting.

A little love for Rob James-Collier, who got to play a lot of different shades in these two episodes (I watched them a while ago by nefarious means, so to me it's two) and knocked them out of the park.

I was rewatching the first series and I'd totally forgotten this, but there's a scene in the Turkish Corpse ep when Bates says to Robert that Thomas must have "cheered up" when he saw the Turkish dude.  And there's another scene (I forgot which ep) when Mrs.Patmore is trying really hard to tell Daisy (who was totally

This is good but I'm hoping there's some secret catch where Scott's no longer allowed to do his "maybe it's just me but for me" bit, because I hate that bit so much it makes me cry a little.

Alright fine, I won't be embarrassed. Look forward to the gif (I'm sure it already exists, I can't look from work).

I'm thoroughly embarrassed by how many times I rewound the scene.

Came here to mention this story.  Can't get much darker and grittier than the director getting acid thrown in his face.

I'm Team Thomas all the way.  Yeah, he's a total punk, but if you put a gay character in a period piece, I'm going to root for him.  (Whither thou, Salvatore?!)

Oof, that must've been rough.  My sympathies.  Similar thing happened with me with Mad Men's "The Suitcase" right after my mom passed.


"I got the results of the test back.  I definitely have midi-chlorians."

I support this theory.  I think it could be really interesting.

Remember that time she wrote a play?  What happened with the writing?  Grr.

Alright, but could it be about a guy who does really great impressions but toils by day as a life guard?  What I'm saying is, can we work in some Alan Alda stuff?  Little Pacino?  He can do Seth Rogen!  His Seth Rogen is amazing!

Yeah, I thought the girl's plot ended up being cute and was horrendous in the beginning.
The guy's plot was void of funny (except for the one Enterprise line) and see zero point in an episode centered around them in TNG costumes if there's no Wil Wheaton involved.  Whither thou Wheaton??

Stop being an Ann-hog.

I don't care if it turns out Max is gay or not- but when Max said, "I'm not ready to talk about it" I said to the tv, "Eh, maybe he likes boys."  And when Adam and Kristina were debriefing I was yelling at the tv, "Why are you assuming he likes girls if he's never shown interest in anybody?!"  You'd think it would at

Yaaaay!  I was just wondering about this because he interviewed Conan at Largo a while ago and I didn't know until it was already sold out.  Apparently 2 hours with Pardo and an hour with Maron aren't enough Coco dishing for me.

Awww.  These do remind me of my grandmother because she used to have some waiting for me when I went to visit her in Santa Clara.  I loved them.
Then in junior high (as a good church girl) I found a Choose Your Own Adventure-style book that was supposed to teach good church girls to stay pure in a world of sex crazed

"That was Ryan Hansen as the younger guy who hit on Kristina at the hotel, right?""