
I'm sorry I caused all that cancer.

I only just watched this and missed the conversation but no one is reading the ending the way I did (which I had thought was obvious). I thought the meaning was that Real Ethan was supposedly the the more 'authentic' one and only in love with Real Sophie only he's just as much biased towards his idealization of a

Say what?  He had a major storyline in S3.  Suckered into thinking his crush liked him back because he's all desperate for connection…made an ill-advised move on a guy while he was sleeping…almost got sacked…  Rob James-Collier was great.  (I'm still hoping Jimmy's in the closet and they end up together actually)

Afraid I'm going to get slimed for mentioning either this show or this opinion, but Thomas Barrow was supposed to die in the first season of Downton Abbey (or maybe they were just going to send him packing, come to think of it) but they kept him around and I think he's the best character on the show.  Thankfully, he

I believe the baby's the next heir after Lord Grantham.  Lord G still runs things as long as he's still alive- it's after HE dies that they're worried about.  If that's not the case, I'm really befuddled.

As a Tumblr addict, I can tell you that the Doctor Who/Downton crossover many of us are clamoring for involves Captain Jack Harkness and Thomas Barrow.  Unless Jimmy's gay after all.  In which case we need Eleven to pick them up and drop them off in 21st century San Francisco.

Aww.  I thought it was ridiculously fun to read.

Sal should've been a footman.  Could've snogged Cosgrove in his sleep and he STILL wouldn't have been sacked

Yeesh- that bad?  Tumblr would have me believe it's phenomenal.

In my Room head canon, Wiseau was smuggling smack in those leather jackets. 

I made my parents watch The Room (sex scenes, ah, little awkward- fast forwarded through those) and my dad made me rewind the flower shop scene a few times. It is the best.


“It is ridiculous and not really funny at all. I’d appreciate you taking the high road and not resorting to something childish like this that’s been blogged about 1,000 times,” they said, clearly not familiar with the Internet.

Ah yes, 'gusting up the brolly' as they say.  The Oulde Duchess of Hummerdunham.  The Bristol whistle.  The ole Yorkshire thruppence…

I like the word brolly.


Whatever.  It's all about Thomas.

I vote Thomas.  Interracial gay couple on a show about Edwardians.

I'd watch the hell out of that.

Or seriously in the closet.  I still think it's a possibility.