
Awww.  I'm going to leave you on this note and hope you don't come back as an inneffectual ghost in Los Angeles thus sucking much of the awesomeness out of your heroic death.

Awww.  I'm going to leave you on this note and hope you don't come back as an inneffectual ghost in Los Angeles thus sucking much of the awesomeness out of your heroic death.

Don't forget the mute and dirty-faced Baby Ron Howard of season 2.  Not that he died.  But he was certainly in peril.
Also, Thomas, of course.  Lotta kids unhappy or dead on this show.

Don't forget the mute and dirty-faced Baby Ron Howard of season 2.  Not that he died.  But he was certainly in peril.
Also, Thomas, of course.  Lotta kids unhappy or dead on this show.

That's 'cause it's the least obnoxious comment thread on Breaking Bad (that I can find).

That's 'cause it's the least obnoxious comment thread on Breaking Bad (that I can find).

Yeah, that and flashing his bling around.  I'm guessing they're going to nab those bugs back pretty quickly?  Sure, it would be really helpful to have bugs on the DEA but that one on the back of the CPU is so easily found -IT could pop down to work on it at any time.
Skyler knows so much at this point, I didn't think

Yeah, that and flashing his bling around.  I'm guessing they're going to nab those bugs back pretty quickly?  Sure, it would be really helpful to have bugs on the DEA but that one on the back of the CPU is so easily found -IT could pop down to work on it at any time.
Skyler knows so much at this point, I didn't think

It had to be done.  That kid was clearly about to rape Jesse.

It had to be done.  That kid was clearly about to rape Jesse.

I could kill for Jesse to have a scene with Walt Jr. -the two sons.  Just one scene!  Even if Jr. has no idea who he is!

I could kill for Jesse to have a scene with Walt Jr. -the two sons.  Just one scene!  Even if Jr. has no idea who he is!

From what I recall of C.K.'s interview on WTF -he was kind of pissed at Maron for not being a good friend while C.K. was going through his divorce.  It seemed like they had drifted apart.  I could be missing some info. 
 Maron and C.K. looking like they're 12

From what I recall of C.K.'s interview on WTF -he was kind of pissed at Maron for not being a good friend while C.K. was going through his divorce.  It seemed like they had drifted apart.  I could be missing some info. 
 Maron and C.K. looking like they're 12

I thought she was going to fall in face first like Frodo into those freaky pools of dead guys.

I thought she was going to fall in face first like Frodo into those freaky pools of dead guys.

For a second there, yes I did.  Or I thought there was a bug on it.  I'm really hoping Jesse at least starts to wake up and smell the mind fuck soon.

For a second there, yes I did.  Or I thought there was a bug on it.  I'm really hoping Jesse at least starts to wake up and smell the mind fuck soon.

If it WERE satirical, it wouldn't be bad taste at all.  If it were about guns, or the mental health system, or handwringing over pop culture after something like this happens…there is much solid dark satire to be mined from that.
This is just a crappy hack joke based on the premise that Dark Knight is definitively

If it WERE satirical, it wouldn't be bad taste at all.  If it were about guns, or the mental health system, or handwringing over pop culture after something like this happens…there is much solid dark satire to be mined from that.
This is just a crappy hack joke based on the premise that Dark Knight is definitively