
There was the meth reference- that's all I caught.

Buffy geek-out comments: So "Curriculum Unavailable" was a lot like "Normal Again" and Evil Abed's story was kinda like either Willow going bad after Tara or "Dopplegangland" (since vamp Willow was from a different universe or timeline) so I choose to believe that Dan Harmon loves Buffy because I like it when people

Buffy geek-out comments: So "Curriculum Unavailable" was a lot like "Normal Again" and Evil Abed's story was kinda like either Willow going bad after Tara or "Dopplegangland" (since vamp Willow was from a different universe or timeline) so I choose to believe that Dan Harmon loves Buffy because I like it when people

"The Son" makes me cry like Ron Swanson at the Grand Canyon.

Wow. I literally just gasped way too dramatically and yelled yay at the computer.

Listening to this now.  I like it!  It'll be interesting to see what he evolves into.

Calm down, people.  'Louie' is back in 7 weeks.  Who cares what Dane Cook is doing when C.K.'s king of comedy right now?  Let us ignore the muddled masses and listen to WTF on our ear buds. 

Stop stealing Dane Cook's essence, you bastard.

Yeah, I thought it was Binoche too and having just looked at their imdb pages, I've apparently been conflating them for quite some time.

I assume there's going to be an ep where all the characters are writing letters home about poignant things that happened that week (Sports Night, West Wing) and one where a foreign character no one understands is freaking out because some antiquated object is on the premises that played a part in something brave they

Nah, Abe's edgy political guy, little more serious.  Ginsburg is Woody Allen: The Nightclub Years.

I had to pause on the first reveal of Betty and just absorb it for a minute before I could keep watching.

I love Ginsburg.  Although his wardrobe was a bit much.

All that sounds more like foreshadowing for Roger eating pavement.

I liked this one.  Sheldon was childish without being too over the top and finally did the right thing.  I particularly liked when Sheldon said he loved quantum physics and Leonard just said, "I'm glad!" It's refreshing to see them act like actual friends.  A little more of that would be nice.
Honestly, I don't know

Re: 2001.  For a second during that pitch, I thought she was actually pitching it as an homage to 2001 which threw me into a momentary panic because that would've made it 1968.  But obviously all the kids would've been older and yadda yadda.

Did anyone else think the opening shot of Pete on train echoed Don on the train in season 1?  When it was revealed to be Pete, I was suprised for a second before I remembered that Don probably doesn't live in the suburbs anymore.  And Pete's new place looks A LOT like Don's old place. i.e. New Campbell is Old Draper? 

I've been a fan of Community (and for the record, Parks & Rec, Archer, Louie,Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Justified, Game of Thrones…the big AV Club favorites) since episode 1 and I never watched Big Bang Theory because it had Chuck Lorre's name on it and I believed everyone who said it sucked.  But I tried it one day and

Actually replying to RickyCoogin.
Yeah, Jay Underwood.  Also in The Boy Who Could Fly and that one where he was all gothy punk but he was good with kids.

Anthony Jr.? I think I heard his ultimate goal is to get his helicopter pilot's license and fly for the CIA or Donald Trump or somebody.